Regarding the new NPCs

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So, uh, 1.4 got released. Two (I think) new NPCs have been released. I will try to add their stories here as soon as possible when I actually start playing it. I cannot recover the Solarux world (its in an old laptop that got broken, plus it was a cracked version: i'm poor, okay?", but for the sake of the story, I have to just imagine that they're in that world. I also have to include pylons now. This is probably the last update in Terraria, so expect that the next two chapters are the last chapters for this book.

Also, I have a book that I'm writing right now. Its not a terraria fanfic but an original one. I'd love it if y'all read a bit of it and tell me your opinions in the comments. (It has uncensored cursing in it so if you can't handle words like f*ck and b*tch, avoid reading it) I'm yet to upload an official book cover because the new covers app is disgusting (I hate it, I loved the old one its so easy to use), so I'm going to make it myself. Stay home, stay safe, play Terraria, have fun! Next up is the Golfer (expect his story to be engraved in golf balls lol)


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