Witch Doctor

920 10 7

No one knows how. Apparently, I drank some of his potion because I was so thirsty. Now I remember this thing on my head.

Hello. This is the potion version of my edible message. This is just a prototype version but as you can see, it works. I used a leaf of Plantera plus some blinkroot and of course, grounded turtle shell. And it works.

First is you mix everything up in the bottle, then add some water and close it. Shake it continuously for 10 seconds. Open and say your words into the bottle. After saying, close the lid and wait until the potion color turns from dirty brown to clear liquid. Then try drinking it. Whenever you try to remember something, those words you say will be the first you remember. Easy message. Hassle Free.

This is a prototype, so maybe there will be "glitches". Oh well. End of message.

(Sorry I don't really like the witch doctor. I always put him in the jungle biome, instead of creating a jungle biome near my house.)

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