Tax Collector

974 12 2

Found engraved in a block in the Underworld

My life has been so normal. Me just there waiting for my next death. I've been killed by that Chosen many times. He never realized that I was just an old guy waiting to be freed from this curse Hell gave me. Oh well, he'll knew it. In the end, I will be the one that will make him rich. Taxes! I am a tax collector before, but they banished me away and thrown into the eternal heat, succumbing to the fiery blaze of Death.

It was this curse that I thought made me immortal, but later did I realize that I was immortal from the beginning of time. Foolish, I was. I share the same fate as that of the Clothier, but I suffered more. This curse keeps my body intact, but doesn't keep me from feeling pain. Yes, pain. PAIN.

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