Travelling Merchant

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Basically, I am the one who collected all those secret stuff those villagers are hiding. So I am gonna end this collection of their secrets with my secret. I'm sure you're asking, "What about Santa and the Skeleton Merchant?" I know Santa and well, he doesn't really have a secret since he's a very open guy. About the Skeleton Merchant, I am not on good terms with him, so I try to avoid him. He prefers being discovered by the Chosen rather than visiting the Chosen's house.

My little secret that no one knows is... I like spreading other people's secrets. What? You already know that? Oh well...

Another secret of mine is that... I am actually a very accurate guy. I can shoot a shark from 1000 blocks away without breaking a sweat. You see, this pulse bow I own is only given to those that are deemed worthy. The Great Master Yoraiz0r saw potential in my skills. I was gifted with a ton of Pulse Bows. I only use one, and kept the others. One day, I saw Jas shooting a pixie 2000 blocks away using the sniper. It was awesome. I decided that he was worthy. I sold those extra Pulse Bows I have to him.

I actually have no other secrets, so this collection of their secrets is gonna end with this last little story of mine. Oh, another secret. Yesterday, 3 days after being defeated by Moon Lord, Jas saw a golden slime on the Hallows. It had a very high defense and health, based on how it took almost half a day for Jas to kill it. Before I left, when Jas finally got rid of it, it dropped a very peculiar object. I had no knowledge of it. He wore it on his wrist. It didn't really affect him at all, but the thing was cool! Maybe it's a gift from the gods. Cool things aside, thank you for reading this collection of secrets. Abraham, out.


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