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The hen party was a success, at least that what Caroline thought. Granted, Caroline lives in her own little fairytale in which nothing bad happens.

The only thing she deemed wrong about the hen party wasn't the fact that her fiancé and his friends crashed or the fact that the Damon is an ass, but the fact that Hayley, Tyler's girlfriend, was invited to her party.

Caroline just wanted one last night as a, sort of single, woman with her best friends before Elena packed her bags and left, again. The thought brought a tinge of sadness to Caroline; knowing that she probably won't see Elena for god knows how long.


There was an overall feeling of panic from the maid of honour as she watched her best friend and the bride pace in front of the mirror, muttering obscurities under her breath. Bonnie, trying to stop the bride from tugging her hair out of its elegant up-do.

"I can't do this...I can't..." Elena repeated to herself, catching a quick glance in the mirror of herself before picking up her pace

Bonnie grabbed her friend's wrists, "'Lena. Look at me."

Elena didn't listen so her friend tightened her grip on Elena's wrists causing Elena to snap her gaze to Bonnie's.

"What?" Elena almost sighed. The stress of the wedding was finally getting to her.

"You are Elena Gilbert, soon to be Salvatore, and one half of the Gilbert twins. You are compassionate, caring, kind, beautiful and maybe a bit pushy-"

"Not helping!"

"You love Damon and he loves you! It's all going to work out and you're going to look back at this day one day and laugh at it. So sit your ass down so I can fix your hair. Caroline won't like it if your hair's a mess"

Elena followed her friend's orders, taking deep breaths as she calmed herself down. Bonnie quickly readjusted the clip holding her hair back since Elena's pacing and the running of her hands through her hand did no good whatsoever.

"I can do this," Elena told herself as she looked at her reflection in the mirror, "I love him and he loves me. Nothing can go wrong"

Just as Elena was ready to leave the room, a slightly frazzled Caroline came running through the doors and spoke two words Elena never wanted to hear, "Damon's gone"


There was a reason for her hatred towards Hayley; reasons unknown to her friends.

It was the summer before junior year when the self-proclaimed 'lone wolf' moved to the small desolate town of Mystic Falls. She moved down the street from Caroline; about three or four doors down.

Throughout the summer, Hayley maintained a summer job of being the assistant to the mayor himself, Mr Lockwood. Due to her job, she spent an awful lot of time with the Lockwood family and consequently Tyler who just so happened to be Caroline's boyfriend at the time.

"Sorry Care, I'm going to be late. There's so much traffic on the road," Tyler's deep voice sounded from her Nokia phone. Her old phone was broke, again, due to the fact it was an iPhone and she had a tendency to drop it almost every day.

"That's okay, just come as fast as you can," she reassured him, tucking a piece of her blonde hair behind her ear.

"See you later"

"Yeah, see you. Love you," she replied back but sighed when she realised that he'd already hung up on her.

Normally, this would be cause for worry but lately this seemed to be a common occurrence for Tyler in which he'd ring or text claiming he's running late and he'd always hang up on her before she finished talking. They barely spent any time together lately but he didn't seem to care as he constantly made up excuses for why they couldn't hang out, some of them were quite pathetic too.

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