Act 1 Scene 2

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Setting: Sunny afternoon in a classroom of Charles Xavier's School for gifted Youngsters. Jean is teaching a class of young, teenage mutants; they are learning about the mind. The desks sit in orderly rows as Jean scribbles some information on the board. Outside the door, Scott can be heard talking to Xavier. It sounds urgent and the class glances back to the door. Jean pays it no mind until the door opens.

Professor X: Class, you are dismissed. Jean, we need to talk. *He rolls into the room and off to the side of the door.*

Scott: *He follows and Stands by the Professor.*

Students: *They begin talking and gather their things in a rather quick manner, leaving with their friends.*

Jean: *Putting the chalk down, she slowly walks over, pushing a chair in.* Yes, Professor?

Professor X: I've discovered a lab where young mutants are being forcibly experimented on.

Scott: *He leans against the wall and crosses his arms across his chest, looking at Jean.* It's pretty bad from what I've heard.

Jean: That's awful. We should go now. *She walks to the door in a hurry, only to be stopped by Professor X, who telepathically locked the door.*

Professor X: There is something else you need to know. *He looks at her with great worry.* You can't free all of them-

Jean: And why not?! *She snaps in his direction, turning and looking at them, slightly angry.*

Scott: One of them's like Logan, only more wild. If he got out, all hell would break loose. *Scott unfolds his arms and puts one on Jean's shoulder.*

Jean: *She relaxes a bit and let's out a sigh.* Your right. *Looking at the Professor, she smiles.* We'll do it.

Professor X: Good. Storm and Logan are waiting for you two.

Jean: *She nods and unlocks the door. Scott follows.*

Professor X: *He looks about the room and sighs.* You can come out now.

*A little boy creeps out from behind the chalkboard, shy.*

Boy: S-s-so you're n-not going to h-h-help everyone? *He plays with his fingers and doesn't look at the Professor*

Professor X: Yes. Not all mutants are good. This mutant, in particular, enjoys killing our kind for sport. It's not a risk I am willing to take; we've tried to help him, but he refuses. *He looks at the boy and smiles.* For your safety and everyone else's, I've entrusted the X-Men to fasten an unbreakable cuff around him and a stationary object.

Boy: *He looks up, a bit curious and creeps forward.* Really?

Professor X: Yes, now let's go. I do belive Jean bough ice cream last night.

Boy: Okay. *He smiles and skips out of the room.*

*The sound of the Jet taking off can be heard.*

Professor X: I do hope everything goes according to plan. *He leaves the room.*

End of Scene 2

Hello everyone. I hope you're all enjoying the story. Remember, comment likes, dislikes, and things you think I could improve on.
Happy Reading,

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