Act 1 Scene 3

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Setting: The quiet laboratory again, only this time the beakers of liquid have been removed, replaced with an operating table. The cage has been isolated in the right corner. Little trays hold medical tools. A couple of doctors work over paperwork. Klāra walks in.

Victor: *He is strapped to the table, shirtless, and cocks his head just enough to see Klāra out of the corner of his eye.* Hello, sweet thing. *He smirks.*

Klāra: *She goes to a table and puts on rubber gloves. Turning to him, she snaps one on her hand, her eyes meeting his.* Again, it's just Klāra to you. *She grabs a clipboard, looks at the paper, then looks at his chest.*

Victor: I see. *He smirks more* You act like you hate this.

Klāra: I do. *She sets the board on a tray.*

Doctor: *He walks over to them, wearing a blue face mask and doctors robes.* Miss Klāra, we are ready to begin the operation. *The other doctors come closer, one bringing a tray.*

Klāra: Perfect. *She picks up a marker with her dainty fingers and draws a line slightly off-centered on Victor's chest.*

Victor: You know, you strike me as the kind of white chick that listens to T Swift and drives a dinky little car. *He looks up at her as she moves an operation light over him.*

Klāra: Yeah? *She picks up a scalpel.* You strike me as the kind of white boy that will scream bloody murder. *Pressing the scalpel into his flesh, she smiles.*

Victor: *He tries hold back the pain, but it worsens as she continues the incision. An agonizing moan escapes his lips.*

Doctors: *They hurry about the room, working on the operation. One cleans up the blood and tests it, another prepares fluids, and one observes.*

Klāra: *She smiles and hums Panic at the Disco's Ballad of Mona Lisa.*

Victor: *He cringes at the pain and his claws extend. He scratches them across the metal and resists all desire to lash out.*

Klāra: Pretty boys not so tough, is he? *She cuts deeper and more blood protrudes.*

Victor: *His body has begun to slowly heal from the cuts and he glares at Klāra, vicious.*

Klāra: *She is curious about his healing abilities and gently fingers around the incision.*

Victor: *He lashes out, grabbing her wrist and breaking the restraints. She falls over slightly, sending the tray crashing. At this very moment, the alarms go off, indicating an intruder.* You- *Anger swelling in his voice as he grips her wrist tighter and sinks his claws into her arm.*

Doctors: *They back away and run from the room in fear. In the background, the sound of thunder and gunshots can be heard.*

Klāra: *She screams and struggles to get away, only deepening the wounds caused by his grip. Victor grabs her throat and holds her up; she begins to choke.*

Victor: *He smirks and throws her into the wall, smashing a table.*

Klāra: *Landing in a collapsed heep, she gasps for air and begins to cough up blood.*

*The gunfire continues in the background, only now, it's joined by screams of teenagers.*

Victor: *He saunters over, claws bloodied, and laughs.* You stupid frail. Thought you could take me-

Logan: *He enters the lab and slams Victor into the wall. His breathing is fast and his anger fuming.*

Victor: *Showing signs of weakness, he blacks out.*

Logan: *Quickly, he puts the cuff on Victor's right wrist and crouches beside Klāra.*

Klāra: *She has become dizzy herself, but managed to catch her breathe. Shakily, she looks up at Logan.*

Logan: *Carefully touching her bleeding wrist he swears. In the distance, Jean can be heard screaming his name. He stands and tosses the other cuff to Klāra.* Attach this to something stable. *He runs out of the room before she can respond.*

Klāra: *Looking at the cuff, she reaches out for it slowly, only for it to latch onto her left wrist. The distance between her and Victor is more than five feet, causing her to lurch towards him. The pain is simply too much. As she blacks out, the moan of Victor and the marching of gunman can be heard.*

End of Scene 3

Thanks again for reading this. Remember to comment lots on things you liked, disliked, or just on things I need to improve. Happy reading.


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