Act 2 Scene 3

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Setting: An open classroom, the desks removed and sunlight spilling in through the window. A radio sits in a corner as Jean Grey shuffles through a few papers on the teacher's desk that has been shoved against the wall. Victor and Klāra stand in the middle of the room, the maximum amount apart.*

Klāra: *She folds her arms across her chest and looks at Jean sourly.* No way. I'm not teaching a class with him, let alone dance with this monster.

Victor: *He rolls his eyes.* Oh please. You and I are bound to tango at some point. *He smirks and crosses his arms as well.*

Klāra: *She glares at him and hisses through her teeth.* Why you-!

Jean: Please, both of you, knock it off. This can be therapeutic for the two of you if you let it be and you might just be able to settle your differences.

Klāra: Like I'd settle for him.

Victor: Oh please. I'd be an upgrade from what, your notebook?

Klāra: At least my notebook doesn't attack me unprovoked! *She starts to scream at him.*

Victor: You call that unprovoked!?

Klāra: Yes!

Jean: Settle down! *She takes a deep breath and walks over with a clipboard in hand.* Why don't you try one- just one- dance together? If it works out, you can choose to teach. If it doesn't, then you won't have to worry about it and I will find someone else. Is that a deal?

Klāra: *She looks at Victor and he nods.* Okay, fine. What kind of dancing are we talking about?

Jean: Ballroom.

Victor: A social dance? Go figures. *He walks over to Klāra and holds out his hand.* Shall we dance?

Jean: *She walks over to the radio and she hits the play button. Music floats into the air rather softly.*

Klāra: *She hesitates for a moment before taking hid hand.* So we shall.

Victor: *He pulls her closer and rests his other hand on her hip.*

Klāra: *She puts her other hand on his shoulder and begins to follow his lead.*

*The two begin to dance. Victor gently starts to sway and Klāra has no choice but to follow. Their movements are rather stiff.*

Victor: You know I don't dance.

Klāra: I can tell.

Victor: Can you now?

Klāra: Yes. *She looks down and watches her feet. He steps forward and leads her into a spin.*

Victor: About last night *He wraps his arm around her waist and pulls her close.*

Klāra: I don't want to talk about last night. As far as you are concerned, last night didn't happen.

Victor: I see. *He runs his hand along her arm and dips her slowly. He leans down close and as he hovers a few inches away from her face, he whispers.* And how did that make you feel?

Klāra: *She gets slightly flustered and reaches her hand up to his neck, seeking support.* I was cold and you were warm. That's it. That's all there is to it.

Victor: *He laughs a bit and smiles.* You're turning red. *He picks her back up and she wraps her leg around his as he lifts her.*

Klāra: Victor, I-

Victor: You don't have to say a word. Let your actions speak for you. *He begins to set her down.*

Klāra: *She relaxes and wraps her arms around his neck, dipping slowly.*

Victor: *He moves across the floor in long sweeping motions, dragging Klāra's foot behind her. She dances along side him, calm and relaxed as he moves his hands up her torso and down her arms, dipping her and spinning her to the soft melody. As the song ends, he dips her one last time, bending into it as well, his lips only a small distance from her's.*

Klāra: *Her heart races and she gazes into his eyes breathless.*

*The music fades and they linger there together for a moment, his hands on her back and waist and hers on his back and chest. Truly together for a timeless moment before they slowly and hesitantly seperate, backing away from each other slowly.*

Jean: *She starts to clap.* That. Was. Wonderful! *She walks over and hands Victor the clipboard.* That is the attendance sheet and the basic syllabus for the class. You two can come to me if you have any questions! *She puts her hands together and leaves the room smiling.*

Klāra: So um...

Victor: What just happened?

*They stand in silence for a moment.*

Klāra: I guess we are teaching a class.

Victor: *He looks down at the clipboard and smiles.* Yeah. I guess we are.

End of Scene

Oh my goodness gracious! I actually made the deadline! Writing dance scenes are hard! Anyway, comment below if you liked it and anything you want to see happen in the story

Lots of Love and Happy Reading!


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