Act 2 Scene 1

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Setting: *A pleasantly sunny day, not a cloud in the sky, for the mansion. Students play basketball on the courts, hang out on the benches, and do various other outside activities with one another and their powers. Logan sits on the steps watching them out of the corner of his eye; his attention is mostly on Klāra and Victor, who are sitting under a big tree, backs turned to each other. Victor sits in the shade, a beer in hand and a book on his lap. It is untouched. Klāra sits in the sun, picking at the blades of grass as she works on several scientific problems in a small yellow notepad. They don't look at each other.*

Kitty: *She walks out of the mansion and heads towards the steps. She stops upon seeing Logan.* So you're the one they have supervising today.

Logan: Yep.

Kitty: They are still fighting? *She is concerned about the situation*

Logan: *Finishes his beer and crushed it in his hand* Yep.

Kitty: How long has it been? *She walks down the steps and sits down next to Logan.*

Logan: Two Weeks.

Kitty: That's a long time to not make up with someone you're close to, literally.

Logan: She's banished him to the floor and sleeps with a taser in her hand. She's used it once.

Kitty: Ouch. *She makes a sour face and slowly places her hand on her chest.*

Logan: Tell me about it. *He sets the can on the steps by his foot.*

Klāra: *Sat, chewing on the end of her pencil, staring at the problem. She mumbles to herself. * If I carry the three and add the other chemical... Maybe...No... Maybe?

Victor: *He nursed a beer slowly, letting the bitter liquid drip down his throat, letting its burn heat his body for just a moment at a time. His nostrils flared as a breeze brushed past  Klāra's and blew softly through her hair; his ear twitched as he heard Klāra mumble to herself.*

Klāra: *Frustrated, she rips the page from the notepad and crumbles it up, setting it on the grass. She writes out the problem again and puts her hand on her forehead.*

Victor: *His lips pull into a smirk as his sensitive nostrils pick up on her frustrated scent.*

Klāra: *She taps the pen on the pad of paper.*

Victor: *Inhales her scent slow, resting his head back on the rough bark of the tree behind him. Her scent was sweet, caramelized apples set fresh on a carnival stand. A shirt fresh out of the dryer. A small lullaby drifting on the wind, however, whenever she would get frustrated it smelt fierier, almost like cinnamon or a spice that was filtered into some sort of Cajun dish he had had a while back.*

Klāra*She clenches her fist and groans before tossing the notepad behind her.*

Victor: *He lets out a deep chuckle, loving how she gets so upset and puts all of her rages towards her precious notebook. His eyes wander down to the book sitting in his lap. It's a copy of an Anger Management guide, a payback from Klāra.*

Victor: *Rolls his eyes, thinking how this would benefit the raging frail right now.*

Klāra: *She is extremely angry with herself for being frustrated and unable to figure out the problem.*

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