Chapter Three

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John stretched lazily, relishing the feeling of Karkat's head on his skinny chest and their legs knotted together. Never in his life had he felt so peaceful. He could stay like this forever.

Until Dave Strider burst into his room and woke Karkat up.

"John- John, I'm so sorry for interrupting this but everything's gone to s--t and I need you and hi Karkat..." he stammered, his voice thick with the sound of tears. "John, John, Jade- I think she broke up with me."

"Woah, woah, slow down." John said, trying to sound as calm as he could. "What do you mean? Jade loves you. You know that."

Dave shook his head, whipping his hair into a frenzy. "Not anymore. Not since that d-mn meeting, where she got so mad about me keeping secrets from her. Jade hasn't forgiven me for that and now I don't know now if she ever well."

He collapsed onto John's bed, tears running out of his head. Wow- he didn't think he'd ever seen. John whispered in a low voice to Karkat, "Can you... uh...?"

"Yeah." he murmured. "I get it. I'll go." From most people this would sound bitter, but oddly Karkat wasn't angry. Guess he understood Dave.

Ick, that was a weird thought. Better push that one away.

John wrapped an arm around his friend's shoulders, feeling his heavy sobs. "It'll be okay, Dave. Do- do you want me to talk to her?" He asked cautiously. "It might help."

Dave looked up, and although John expected his eyes to be wild with fear, they were actually filled with something that looked like hope. "Do you think you could? Jade listens to you. You're like her brother."

"Anything for you." John said- and he meant it.

EB: jade? you there?

GG: hi john! :)

"She seems... happy." He said half to himself and half to Dave (who wasn't listening- his head was hidden in his arms."

EB: someone's cheerful

GG: actually, not really :( today's been pretty bad

EB: why's that?

GG: it's... it's dave.

GG: i'm so worried about him now! after hearing about his brother and him with karkat i keep wondering why he never trusted me. i'm his girlfriend.

EB: and i'm his best friend, but he never told me either. dave just needed to keep that inside. it wasn't to spite you or anything. trust me.

GG: that doesn't make it hurt any less.

EB: no, i guess it doesn't. but things won't get any better if you give him the cold shoulder. no matter what, dave loves you. you're his sun. you're his world.

GG: then why wouldn't he tell me about karkat? about his brother?

EB: because saying it would make it too real.

John was struck with sudden clarity at the truth of what he'd said. That was why Dave had kept those things inside for so long- and why his own confrontation had sent everything in motion. Because for awhile Dave couldn't realize that those things were real.

And Jade helped him think that it wasn't.

So, John found himself wondering, could they still stay together with this knowledge? When Dave wasn't pretending anymore?

Looking at his friend, broken and sobbing next to him, John hoped so.

GG: thanks john :B you're a good friend.

GG: i guess i should go apologize to dave. i hope we can work things out

EB: me too.

"Hey? Dave?" His friend looked up, glasses slightly askew. "I think it's going to be alright. You should be getting a message from her soon."

There was a bright flash of hope on Dave's face as he leaned forward and wrapped John in a tight hug. For a moment, they stayed like that and John relished the feeling. His warmth and smell- old habits were hard to break.

But Dave pulled away too soon, a faint blush spreading across his cheeks. "Uh... really John, thank you. That was awesome." John punched him gently on the shoulder.

"You don't need to act cool in front of someone who knows you drool in your sleep. It's okay to show emotion!" he teased.

"I know!" Dave laughed, but John could see he was letting his guard down more and more. "I'm gonna go home- see if Jade anything. Really, dude, can't thank you enough."

"Anything for love."

Seconds after Dave left, a head peeked around the doorway.

"Karkat...?" Oh my God, was he listening the whole time?

"Don't worry, dork. I was downstairs eating your dad's cake when I saw Dave bolt out the door like you set his ass on fire. Cake was great, by the way."

What a thief. "Speaking of my dad, he won't be home for at least an hour- and I don't think Dave will be interrupting us." John muttered shyly, not meeting Karkat's eyes. "We have time for..." Time for what, he wondered? Just how far was he willing to go?

His partner looked at him, gray eyes cool and calm. "I promise not to push you."

John nervously placed a hand on Karkat's smooth chest, wondering- would he?

Karkat winked. "So that's what you want? I've never been one to disappoint."

John's jaw hit the floor the same time his shirt did.

Smooth, not muscled but not fat, Karkat's pale skin had constellations of freckles on his shoulders like stars. The gentle curve of his neck, the slope of his biceps, his skinny hips, everything about him was smooth and shining and beautiful.

He watched him nervously, gray eyes wide with apprehension and fear. "John...?" he breathed.

John responded by pinning Karkat to his bed and kissing him as hard as he could. Hands sliding from back to shoulder to chest to stomach, reaching for everything he could. John was just so hungry for him.

When Karkat let out a barely audible moan at the feeling of rough lips on his neck, John knew he felt the same way.

Yeah, this was better than all his dreams. This was real.

Karkat under him, with tousled hair and parted lips, was just so real it made John want to kiss him over and over again.

And he did.

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