Chapter Four

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Dave, meanwhile, had a different surprise waiting for him.

Well- not too different. Because you see, when he went back to his own bedroom eager to see what Jade said, he didn't need to. Why?

Jade was sitting on his bed- a gleam in her green eyes. "Hey, Dave." she purred. "I wanted to apologize for how I've been acting lately... and I figured out how to make it up to you."

She stook up, walking towards him with her skirt riding up her thighs- Dave didn't remember it ever being so short- oozing sex appeal he didn't know she had. Jade wrapped her arms around his neck, leaning in so he could smell pumpkins.

Now, Dave wasn't the type of boy to turn down something like this (he was a teenager!) but he didn't want to do this without talking first. "Jade- wait. Can we talk first? We need to fix things." Despite pouting slightly, she didn't take her arms out from around his neck.

"Alright, but let me apologize first. I am sorry I ignored you."

He sighed in relief- there it was. Maybe not what he wanted, but there it was.

"I am too, Jade. I know I can trust you now- I should have always trusted you. I just hope you can forgive me."

"Don't worry- you're easy to forgive." Jade murmured into his ear.

Yeah, things still had that tense and shaky feeling. But that would go away- Jade and him were sturdy, solid. They were going to be okay. He was going to make sure of that.

"Now... you wanna make that up to me?" Dave cooed in a sugary voice, putting his hand on the warm skin of her thigh.

She purred in his ear, pressing her body firmly against his own. They slid onto the bed together, Dave's hands slipping up her legs and his lips on her neck.

They'd been together before, but he didn't think it'd ever been like this. Her hair was strewn across the pillow, glasses slightly crooked, but Jade's smile wasn't her normal goofy teasing grin. Those beautiful pink lips were curled with something that looked like desire.

Dave moved his hands from her legs to her chest, tentative, pressing against her stomach. Jade leaned up and kissed his neck- softly at first, then rougher when he went higher.


Did he do something wrong? Was she going to stop?

Jade pulled off her shirt, revealing a blue bra trimmed with lace covering small but beautiful breasts. Then... she pulled off his.

Dave couldn't control himself- he kissed her roughly, moaning into her mouth while his hands went all over her body. She was so soft, her lips and her skin and her hair. Jade leaned her head back and sighed happily as she held his body against hers.

Their kisses were smooth, soft and slow, their hands gentle and tentative. He couldn't stop feeling her long legs- her hips- her breasts. It was...

Wait- did she say something?

"Dave?" asked a voice that was distinctly not Jade's. "Dave, are you in there? We have to talk..." Rose opened the door to his bedroom.

He sat bolt upright, jeans sliding down his hips and looking like a deer caught in headlights. Jade's sexy demeanor had vanished- her face had gone white with fear as she scrambled to cover herself up.

Rose's eyes widened for a second, but she wasn't half as ruffled as they were. "No need to go so crazy, guys. I'm not gonna tell Mom." She paused for a moment. "But really, next time you guys want to do that, maybe do it at her house."

The door shut behind her as she left, taking the mood with her. Dave and Jade looked each other with embarrassment that bordered on shame, the heat of the moment quickly forgotten. "I'm sorry about that- I didn't think-"

She shook her head, stopping him from continuing. "In a way, I'm glad she did."

His eyes widened in bafflement.

"Not because I didn't want to! I really like you, Dave- but I don't think now is the time for that stuff. Not when everything has been bad between us. You can't fix something like that with- with-"

"Your boobs?"

She blushed deeply. "Yes. When we do that stuff, it better be for the right reasons. Right now, you'll just have to keep your pants on because we have some stuff to work through."

"When?" Dave asked slyly, the corners of him mouth curling up in a grin. "Does that mean you'll finish what you started?" He asked, nuzzling her neck and making her giggle. He loved her laugh.

"Yeah, yeah. Just be sure to control your hormones or Rose might cut your equipment off."

He pouted. "How can I do that when my girlfriend is just so sexy? You really make it hard on a guy. Literally." She laughed again, punching his shoulder.

"Put your shirt on, Dave, and go see what Rose wants. I'll be waiting here- reading your diary, masquerading as you, the usual girlfriend stuff."

"We can still talk when I come back, right?" He saw the look on her face and smiled. "I don't mean 'talk', I mean really discuss stuff. But we can too, if you want." Dave said with a wiggle of his eyebrows. "I'm a big fan of talking."

"You have an angry sister to attend to, you know. She's going to think we're having sex in here."

"I'm okay with that." Dave said happily, leaning in to kiss her gently. "Just don't read my diary."

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