Chapter Seven

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Being with his best friends was amazing, but John knew he couldn't hide there forever. Sooner or later, he would need to go home and face his dad.

But he'd be d-mned if he was going to tonight. No, tonight he was sleeping over at Dave's house.

Jade smirked slightly when she asked, "Can I stay too?"

"Hey, you're not the one with the crazy parents." John teased.

"Also I don't want to inadvertently create the monster that would be Dave's child." Rose said. "Jade, I'm sorry, but your superior genetics just can't fix the fact that your boyfriend is a freak of nature."

She laughed loudly while Dave turned a pleasant shade of tomato-red. "You know we wouldn't do that in front of you guys. I have some self-respect and decency."

"Yes, Dave, we all applaud your ability to not have sex in front of your sister and best friend. The Nobel Prize committee will be here any day now to award you."

Rose was so awesome.

Dave, ignoring his sister, turned to Jade. "It is getting pretty late- you should get home. Want me to walk with you?"

"I can take care of myself!"

"Yeah, but Dave just wants-" John tried to speak, but Dave smacked a hand over his mouth before he could finish his sentence.

"What Dave wants is to make sure you're safe. Please? You can still be a total tough girl even if a guy walks you home." She smiled at him warmly and nodded. They left together (out the window- couldn't risk a run-in with the dragon) holding hands.

"What a couple of dorks." said Rose- but there was a smile in her voice. "Speaking of dorks, how's Mr. Anger Management Issues? Kanaya says Karkat hasn't shut up about you- and that if he doesn't soon, she'll take a chainsaw to his genitals."

"Kanaya is just a peach." Rose grinned. "And yeah, Karkat and I are pretty happy together. I'm grateful not to be pining over Dave."

"Is that all?" she asked, a note of concern in her voice.

"No! No, not at all. Karkat- he's- he's really... wonderful." John had that moony look in his eyes- the one she'd seen when Dave talked about Jade. "Underneath all his yelling he's just a huge dork who cares a lot about his friends and loves stupid movies. He's... great."

Rose punched him in the shoulder, her concern gone. "I'm happy for you, John. Although it's clear Karkat cannot live up to the expectations I set for a partner."

"Please. He's a much better kisser than you."

"You and I both know you wouldn't kiss me if your life depended on it. And vice versa. The pleasure that is the lips of Rose Lalonde is reserved exclusively for the fairer sex."

"That was the most convoluted way to say you're a huge lesbian I've ever heard."

"It's okay, Kanaya is too. Did you know she dated Vriska?"

John's eyes went wide at the mention of his friend. "Really? I assumed Vriska was straight- she's dating that guy Tavros, after all."

Rose shrugged. "I guess not, huh? It was a couple years ago and Kanaya ended it. Said Vriska was being a huge b-ch- and that she still is. I know you two are tight, but be careful around her. Kanaya says she's pretty unstable."

John's eyebrows drew together in anger and annoyance. "Well, maybe Kanaya doesn't know everything, okay? Vriska's really cool. Maybe she was crappy a few years ago, but she's changed now."

Rose, looking nervous, put her hands up in surrender. "Okay, sorry. I didn't know you cared so much about her."

He sighed, apologizing to Rose. "Hey, it's okay. I shouldn't have gotten so mad- and speaking of Kanaya, how are you two?"

Rose blushed softly, looking down at her lap. "John... I think I really love her."

"Woah!" John gasped, his eyes wide with surprise. "Really?! That's..."


"No, Rose. That's adorable."

She looked up quickly. "Really? You think so?"

"Of course." John said with a smile. "You two are really cute."

Rose smiled, not meeting John's eyes.

And then Dave tumbled through the window with a smile on his face.

"Are you two making out in here?" He scratched his head for a second. "Wait, I forgot you're both super gay. D--n."

"Hey, Dave. We were just talking about how you secretly love My Little Pony and have since you were ten."

"Wait, really? Dave's a brony?" John cried delightfully. "That's hilarious! That's like the most uncool thing ever. I always knew Dave Strider was secretly a huge nerd."

"ROSE I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!" Dave screamed, tackling her to the ground and off the bed as she giggled hysterically. John watched them, a smile on his face, happy to be spending the night with his best friends again.

For a moment, he'd forgotten how badly everything sucked.

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