Chapter Six

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"I've got some bad news, Dave." His face went white with pure fear, eyes wide behind his glasses.

"Mom... Mom is getting married."

Wait, what?

"You've got to be s-ing me." He stammered, unbelieving. Mom Lalonde wasn't a bad mom, persay, but she wasn't the marrying type. Her main interests were alcohol and wizards- not men. "Who's she marrying, anyways?"

Rose smiled grimly. "She's marrying John's dad."

"What the H-LL?" Dave howled, not caring who heard.

"Dave- please don't yell." Mom Lalonde said, having just walked up the stairs with a wineglass in hand. "I know this is going to be an adjustment, but we'll be alright. Mr. Egbert is a wonderful man! Much better than him."

Him was Dave's bro- technically, his dad. Mom didn't talk about him much and Dave liked it that way.

"You didn't think this would affect us? That we'd just go along happily with it? No! It's our life too. Mine, Rose's, John's. You can't just drop this stuff on us."

Mom Lalonde's eyes turned steely as her pale eyebrows drew in. "If you haven't forgotten, I'm your parent. I'm the one who makes decisions around here and you're the one who obeys."

"What if I don't want to obey?" cried Dave. "Bro was a much better parent than you!" He spat.

Rose's eyes- so similar to their mother's- went huge with shock. She tried to whisper something to him, but he didn't hear it over Mom's words.

"If you haven't forgotten, Dave, he's the one who left you."

He felt tears burning in his eyes, not able to think of anything to say- he only retreated back to his room. Jade was waiting there, looking shockingly calm. "I heard everything."


"Jade- I'm sorry-" But she put a finger to his lips, stopping him from continuing.

"It's okay, Dave. I'm surprised too, but you'll be okay. This will be okay." She put her arms around him in a tight hug, his head on her shoulder and the smell of pumpkins all around them. God, he was so lucky to have her.

The door creaked open, and Dave tensed expecting it to be his mom ready to spit more fire at him. But he was safe- it was just Rose. Rose, looking sad and lost like he'd never seen her before. They might be twins- but Dave needed to be the big brother right now.

He pulled away from Jade and held Rose tight, feeling her body shake with tears. Dave stroked her soft hair, whispering words of comfort in her ear. Rose was always the strong one, he thought, but even she could only take so much.

The three of them sat together, nestled on his bed and sharing their own sadness. Before anyone could speak, there was a knock on the window- a familiar face peeked into the room, blue eyes bright.

"You guys having a party?" said John as he climbed into Dave's bedroom and saw his best friends all together.

"John... how did you climb up here?" asked Jade curiously, noting that Dave's bedroom was on the second floor.

He shrugged. "I have hidden talents. Also, I heard Dave screaming and I guessed he'd heard the good news. Didn't want to run into the future Mrs. Egbert so I climbed out my window and into yours."

"I'm glad you're here." said Rose. "I think right now what we need is to be together while the adults go insane."

"Well," said Jade, attempting to sound positive. "Look on the bright side. At least your mom isn't marrying my grandpa." She elbowed Dave playfully in the ribs. "Then we'd be stepsiblings! Isn't that hot?"

He stuck his tongue out at her, but Dave was infinitely grateful Jade was here. Not just for him, but for everyone else. Sometimes they really needed her happy mood.

"Even worse," said John. "She could be marrying Bec."

"Oh yeah, Bec's a real hottie. All the ladies love him- he's got to fight them off with a stick." Jade said, giggling softly. The noise of her laughter even made Rose smile.

"Guys, I think we all need a distraction. And I brought the perfect one..."

Please don't be Con Air.

"...Con Air!"

The three collectively groaned as John pulled out the movie disc, blue eyes gleaming. "This will put you all in a fantastic mood for sure. Nothing cures parental drama like a healthy dose of Nicholas Cage."

"John, we all know you have a huge crush on him. No need to hide it anymore." said Rose coolly.

He blushed, stammering, "I do not! Anyways, Jade knows the real owner of my heart is Charles Dutton."

Jade shivered at the mention of him. "Please don't bring up Charles Dutton. It always makes me think of that d-mn Duttle I made. That thing haunts my dreams." Dave smiled, wrapping his arms around her.

"I'll protect you from the big scary Duttle, Jade..."

John laughed, pushing them apart. "Save the PDA, you guys. You can do whatever you guys do after we experience the spiritual awakening that is Con Air."

Rose smirked. "Oh John, you have no idea. You should have seen what I caught them doing earlier..."


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