Chapter Five

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While Dave's equipment was in danger of death-by-Rose, John was mulling over the events between him and Karkat. But he wasn't doing it alone.

AG: d--n john, you and karkitty are getting serious! ::::O

EB: well i wouldn't say that...

AG: you guys had a shirtless makeout session

EB: yeah but
EB: we're not
EB: official

AG: i think thats a pretty good way of making it 'official' dont you think

EB: idk vris i mean we haven't been 'dating' for very long...

AG: its pretty clear karkat likes you even if youre a huge nerd

AG: didnt he lick your chest

EB: i never said that.

Yes he did.

EB: its not him liking me i'm worried about.

AG: then what?

EB: its... dave.

AG: dave as in your 8est friend? dave as in currently 8oning jade?

EB: dave as in my friend and karkat's ex

AG: ah yes, your sordid love triangle certainly is fascinating

EB: jesus have you been hanging out with kanaya

AG: dont diss kanaya, shes awesome. she 8eat me up once.

EB: sweet, remind me to high five her for that!

AG: 8ut can we please go 8ack to why dave 8oning karkat in the past is such a source of angst for you

EB: it's just WEIRD. i'm kissing lips that kissed dave's lips. what if they had sex?! and what if dave hates that i'm dating his ex but doesn't have the guts to tell me?

AG: hate to 8reak it to you 8ut if dave didnt want you with karkat hed tell you

AG: he doesnt take any 8ullshit, dave

AG: mostly

EB: i just feel crappy about dating his ex

AG: sorry john but i cant have much sympathy for you when youre stewing in your own teenage angst
AG: youre dating a pretty cool dude 8y my standards
AG: 8e happy about it!

EB: yeah, i guess you are right about that. things are much better than they used to be for sure

AG: for you may8e

EB: woah, what's this about? are things going sour in vriskaland?

AG: ........may8e

EB: vris, talk to me. i'm your friend.

AG: its just tavros is such a sh---y 8oyfriend
AG: at first i liked what a total wimp he was cuz it let me do what i want with him
AG: but its so 8ORING now
AG: hes no fun

EB: uh...

AG: and everyone else is so 8usy with their dum8 dates it makes things even worse! sollux and aradia, eridan and feferi, kanaya and rose, you and karkat, terezi and gamzee! what happened to when everyone liked me????????

EB: vriska...

AG: everyone is so DUM8 john. all my friends SUCK.

EB: that's not true!

AG: you just dont know them like i do. not even karkat.

With a blip of his computer screen, Vriska had signed off. In a small way, John was a little relieved that she had. He liked Vriska- but not when she got like that. Not when she was bitter and angry and ready to explode. John doubted anyone liked Vriska when she was like that.

He knew that the group of kids was all a little bit weird- he didn't know much about them, actually. They didn't talk about their families or their lives because everyone was wrapped up in their own crazy drama.

At least Nepeta was alright. She might be the only sane one he'd met there.

Nevermind that she was totally in love with Karkat- he couldn't exactly blame her for that one, could he?

The thought of Karkat sent his mind spinning again. Vriska was probably right about him just being angsty and stupid. Things were so much better now- the secrets were out between him and Dave and everything was just peachy.

Except... John didn't think it was.

He felt that his ties to Karkat were tenuous at best- shaky, built on attraction but most of all built on Dave. They were two guys who couldn't get over him so they went with each other. Yeah, he liked Karkat and Karkat liked him. But was it for the right reasons?

Was Karkat just a way to try and be with Dave?

Or was he just a distraction?

Or, more likely, John was just worrying too much. He liked Karkat for who he was, not who he dated. He liked his snarky wit and relentless swearing that hid a kind personality. Karkat was the kind of guy who would do anything for his friends and that... was awesome.

Lost in his own thoughts, he barely blinked when his dad walked into the room with a huge smile on his face. "Son? I have some news for you."

Shaking himself out of his daze, John looked at his dad curiously. He wasn't sure he'd ever seen him so... happy. "What is it?"

"Well, you know I've been seeing Ms. Lalonde quite a lot lately, right?"

John laughed lightly. "You never told me, but I did guess that. All those 'errands'?"

His dad blushed slightly. "Yes, you were right about that. But, actually, that's not what I wanted to tell you. I wanted to tell you that I've proposed to her."

Wait, what?

"Dad?! Are you serious?" His dad looked puzzled, eyebrows crinkling beneath the brim of his hat.

"What's wrong? I thought you'd be happy about the news- you love Dave and Rose, after all."

John threw his hands in the air, exasperated. "You never even told me you guys were dating, let alone engaged! Dad, you can't just drop something like this on me! That's not fair at all."

Dad Egbert looked at him stoically, the picture of calm fatherly demeanor. "Son, I'm sorry you're so upset about this, but there's no reason to be so mad. This isn't the end of the world."

John glared at his father, not at all calm. "I can't believe you would do this. Can't you just leave my room and go be with your stupid cakes?"

His dad shook his head, obviously annoyed by his tumultuous teenage son. He left the room without a word, closing the door tightly behind him. Not slamming it, of course- Dad Egbert didn't slam anything.

Sometimes it was so annoying how he never got angry.

John collapsed onto his bed, exhausted by the Strife with his father. Sometimes being a teenager was h-ll.

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