Chapter Eight

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Dave had never been so grateful for John's company. They were lying together in Dave's double bed, John wearing nothing but green underwear printed with slimes. What a nerd.

They'd done it before- shared a bed- but it felt strange now for some reason. Maybe it was because now he was noticing the curves of John's chest, the shape of his legs, and no longer chastising himself for doing it. Maybe it was because he could feel the heat of his body and because the few inches between them felt like a mile.


He was a jerk! Dave, you have a girlfriend! He has a boyfriend! You can't do this, Dave. Not now and not ever.

The voice of reason had shaken him out of his trance, but John remained deep in sleep- so deep that he rolled over and threw an arm over Dave.

Dave couldn't have this happening. He lifted his arm up gingerly, dropping it in the middle of the bed (a much safer place.) But... John wasn't having any of that.

Making the snuffling sounds only a person fast asleep can make, John reached over and pulled Dave next to him. Although Dave tried to squirm away, John had an iron grip- he was holding Dave close, bare chest to bare chest.

And it was so hot.

John's blue eyes blinked open, hazy with the guise of sleep. He looked at Dave- Dave, blushing hard with his strange red eyes wide open.

"Hey..." John murmured in a voice sexy with sleep. "Hey, Dave."

"John..." Dave whispered, anxiety rising high in his voice. "John, I don't think-"

But John didn't let him finish- he planted his lips firmly on Dave's. His mouth wasn't soft like Jade's, but it was sweet all the same. Sweet and wrong.

Dave squirmed, but John reached out and pulled him closer. There was a lazy smile on his face when he looked at him. "You're okay with this, right? I've waited for this for so long, but I don't want to push you." His voice was soft and gentle, full of longing.

He found himself not wanting to say no.

"It's okay, John." Dave leaned in and kissed him again, this time enjoying it. He knew he should feel guilty, or wrong, or something... but all he felt was happy. Happy he had John.

Running his hands along his chest and back- kissing his collarbones and stomach- their legs tangled together in sleepy warmth.

They kissed until neither could keep their eyes open.


And then he woke up the next morning, realizing just what he'd done.

John was still snoring next to him, oblivious to what they'd done.

"What have I done?" cried Dave. He might have just screwed everything up.

"What do you mean, what have you done?" John asked drowsily. Looks like Dave woke him up. "You didn't do-" He stopped talking as the realization dawned on his face. "Did that- did we-" He stammered, eyes huge with fear.

"We did." said Dave.

"You mean it wasn't a dream? It was real? Oh my God, Dave, oh my GOD." He cried desperately, fingers knotted in his hair. "Jade... Jade and Karkat..." John was really panicking now, his heart pounding a tattoo on his skinny chest. "Dave, what have we done?"

"We f-ed up."

"F-ed up what?" asked a female voice. Dave felt himself freeze in terror at the prospect of it being Jade.

When the door cracked open and he saw blonde hair, Dave found himself breathing again. Really, though, Rose wasn't much better. "What did you guys mess up? Didja hook up in your sleep or something?" Horror was written all over their faces. How did she know?

"Oh my God, you guys really did hook up? That's horrible!" There was a high note of concern in her voice mixed with disgust. "You're both horrible! John, what's Karkat going to think about you with his ex? And Dave! How could you do this to Jade?"

Tears spilled down Dave's face as he looked at his sister. "You have to help me fix this, Rose. I can't lose her." She looked at him angrily.

"You should have thought of that before you went and made out with your best friend. I don't have any sympathy for cheaters. Sure, I won't tell them because you're my brother and all. But I'll be damned if I'll help you. You're on your own."

Rose left the room, scarf trailing behind her and lips furrowed in disgust.

Dave turned to John desperately, sweat shining on his forehead. "What the hell are we going to do? How are we going to fix this?" John shrugged before his shoulders slumped in defeat.

"I've dreamed about kissing you so many times, Dave. To finally get it now- but at the wrong time- that's what really hurts. Although I do have to ask one thing."

"What's that?"


"Well..." He said, not too sure on what to say. "Because I've dreamed of kissing you too. I just tried not to think about it because I thought it was wrong. I know that's not true now- and you were there, like you are now, sounding so... so sexy..."

Dave trailed off, confused by the look on John's face.

"What's wrong? Are you okay?"

John shook his head, not meeting Dave's eyes. "You know what? I agree with Rose. I don't want to help you. I've got my own sh-t to work out. Fix your f-ups on your own." His voice was layered with disgust- and just like Rose, John left him too.

Yeah, Dave had really done it now. He'd lost everyone he really loved in one fell swoop- or really, in one kiss.

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