Chapter Twelve

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Dave wanted John so badly.

Dave also wanted Jade so badly.

He felt caught in the middle, stuck between budding feelings for his friends that he'd been nurturing for God-knows-how long. What kind of person kisses their friend while they love someone else?

A terrible one, that's who. Someone who doesn't deserve the likes of Jade or John. Who knows, maybe his bro was right about him- about how disgusting he was.

AC: :33 < *ac swats dave on the nose to make him stop sulking*

TG: what

AC: :33 < you s33med sad after our conversation and i wanted to ch33r you up!

TG: why are you being so nice to me im a d--k

AC: :33 < you kind of are a d--k... but i like jade and shes sad without you
AC: :33 < thats why i agr33d to help

TG: i thought you didnt know jade well

AC: :33 < well id like to know her better and i hate seeing her so sad

TG: thanks i guess
TG: so how do you plan to cheer me up

AC: :33 < well normally i would bring you an animal carcass of some sort but i dont think you would like that very much

TG: that is true

AC: :33 < so instead ive decided to throw you a party!

TG: what now

AC: :33 < dont worry, karkat and john and vriskers wont be there
AC: :33 < at least i hope not

TG: um
TG: who is going to be there

AC: :33 < everyone you should meet and all my furriends!
AC: :33 < equius and sollux and aradia and terezi and feferi
AC: :33 < just dont piss anyone off by mentioning their exs

TG: but i dont know any of those people

AC: :33 < exactly! itll be a great chance to m33t new people and have fun
AC: :33 < as long as you know the nuances of our romance youll be all good

TG: im not really in a fun-having mood
TG: and that sounds complicated

AC: :33 < g33z, youre acting like karkat
AC: :33 < although yes it is complicated
AC: :33 < thats why i have a shipping wall!

TG: what in jesus name is a shipping wall
TG: and when does this unholy gathering start

AC: :33 < it starts in an hour and itll be at the park
AC: :33 < and you better show up or ill cut your face off
AC: :33 < :)

Well, Dave couldn't deny that Nepeta was persuasive- even if she was extremely strange. Still- maybe she had the right idea. Maybe a party with her and all her crazy friends was what he needed to stop being so damn sad.

Partially because of that and partially because he wanted to keep his face attached to his skull, Dave found himself heading towards the park in clean clothes and with combed hair. By the time he got there people were waiting- waiting for him.

He recognized a few- the dark haired olive skinned girl was Nepeta, the cherry-red haired girl was Terezi... but there were a few he didn't know.  A skinny blonde guy with blue and red glasses, a bronze skinned girl with long black hair and a fourth girl with reddish-brown hair and strange red eyes.

"Dave! Hey!" cried Nepeta happily. "Come and meet everyone. The blonde guy is Sollux-" Sollux gave a small wave but the scowl never left his face. "The girl with creepy eyes is Aradia." Aradia laughed and punched Nepeta on the shoulder. "And the girl with bad taste in boys is Feferi." The black haired girl smiled.

"I do not have bad taste in guys, Nepeta. Eridan is really sweet once you get to know him."

"Ampurra is absolutely crazy- but hey, if you wanna date losers, that's fine by me."

Feferi smirked at Nepeta, but turned away from her friend and looked at Dave. That was when he saw her eyes were a strange shade of fuchsia. "It's great to meet you, Dave. Almost everyone is here... except for Equius. He's late as usual."

"Speak of the devil." muttered Sollux, turning his face towards a tall and bulky figure in the distance. The guy with glasses reached for Aradia's hand protectively and held it tightly.

Clearly there was some tension there. These guys were... complicated.

Terezi walked up to Dave and slung an arm around his shoulders, her long tongue dangling near his cheek. "Nice to see you, Dave! Even if you f-ed everything up we can still have a good time." He laughed lightly. Weird as she was, Terezi was certainly entertaining.

"Thanks Tez, that makes me feel a lot better. But- uh- can I ask you something? Alone?" She narrowed her sightless eyes in confusion, but allowed herself to be led away from the others.

"I need to know all the nuances of your guys' romance so I can avoid getting murdered." asked Dave in a frightened voice. "Nepeta mentioned something like a shipping wall..."

Terezi smirked. "She painted a wall with animal blood detailing everyone's relationships. It's so f-ing awesome."

Dave's face curled into an expression of terror. "I don't think I want something like that. Can't you just say who's dating who and all that fun s--t?"

"Alright, alright. So Sollux is dating Aradia, but he used to be dating Feferi. Feferi is now dating Eridan- who Nepeta hates- and then there's Equius. Equius likes Aradia, so Sollux hates him. Equius and Nepeta are super close but they aren't dating. Nepeta obviously likes Karkat and I'm dating Gamzee. Gamzee and Karkat are super close too as bros."

Dave groaned, hiding his face in his hands. "That's too much! I can't take in all this weird romantic knowledge."

Terezi grinned widely, hitting him on the shoulder. "Don't worry- just wing it. That's what I do. Wing it and flirt with everyone!"

"That didn't help me at all!" He cried.

"You'll be fine- come and party!" She said happily, pulling him back into the crowd of people with a nervous look on his face and a s--t-eating grin on hers.

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