Chapter one: Please Don't Kill My Daughter Before She Heads Off To College.

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*Three Years Later*

In life we learn about making choices. We learn about dealing with the choices we've made and we learn about how to not make the wrong choice.

Picture this:

All you see are dead people. People you once knew were dead, gone from this world. They were alive a few hours ago and now they're dead. You would think it would be easy because you see it on tv shows all the time, the dead bodies, the blood and the murders. You would never think that you would ever see it in real life, staring right at you with dead eyes. You would never think a person would carry so much blood in their bodies. I mean, we learn about how much blood each person carries in biology but you would never think you would actually see the entire amount running out of someones body.

Right now, I'm planning. I'm planning to fight these mother fuckers. I never thought I would have to go through this again but today was the day where I put my skills to use.

I didn't know if I was going to survive this. I needed to get to find my friends and get them to safety before it was too late and if I couldn't get them to safety, then we were going to have to fight for our lives.

It was a good thing my dad was in my life. Otherwise, I wouldn't make it through this hell.

I knew what I was doing. I knew how to use a gun and I knew what I needed to do in order to survive. These people didn't have a chance against me. I clicked the gun and checked the bullets once more before I locked it back into place.

I was going to kick some ass when I find these people. This is far from over.

*Four Days Earlier.*

One more punch and he was knocked to the ground, one more punch and I had won. My breaths were heavy, my heart was racing from all of the adrenaline that pumped through my body, sweat was pouring off my face and my long ginger hair was tied up in a pony tail; annoying the heck out of me.

I would shave it all off if I could.

"Is that all you got?" He chuckled as I was face to face with him, a meter apart. My fist made contact with his face and he fell back onto the blue mat that we stood on. "That's my girl!"

I smirked as I looked down upon him. "Oh, I've got a lot more." I extended my hand to help him up, the cool breeze finally picked up and it felt soothing against my sweaty skin.

"We need a rematch when you come back on break, Lexie." My father, Troy Archer, laughed as he was panting as well. My mother soon appeared in our sight, not looking too impressed. She always hated that dad and I practiced fighting in our backyard, she scolded at us like it was a sin.

"Please don't kill my daughter before she heads off to college," my mother, Katherine Archer, stood in the doorway and crossed her arms against her chest.

Dad and I both laugher at her comment, giving each other a high five. Dad had taught me everything I needed to know about self defense and fighting. He was a homicide detective at the local police department. He could fight and send someone to the hospital but his job was only to catch the bad guys.

"Alexis, why don't you get cleaned up before you leave?" My mom gave me a sweet smile as she glared at my dad who shrugged. I was pretty sure mom did think dad and I would kill each other one day.

"Sure." I said, heading inside for a nice cool shower. I was heading off to college today, to study Criminology before I hit the police academy. As much as I loved to fight, it was something I definitely wanted to do for a job. Ever since my third year in high school. My dad was extremely pleased that I wanted to become like him. On the other hand, mom was not happy that I would be getting into a job where I could potentially die.

Paralysed By Choices ✔️Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant