Chapter five: You-You Have A Gun!?

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The sun was nearly setting, making the campus look dimmer. I stared out my window, watching the people pass by. They're laughing, they're sharing stories and they're living life day by day. I planned to stay in with Maggie tonight, watch a couple of movies, eat junk food instead of going out to some social thing where I could potentially run into Noah.

Yeah, I could be a bitch sometimes but I would never blow off a night with a friend. Jason and Norrie were going to the social thing while Cam apparently was hooking up with Norrie's roommate, Ashley Parish. Probably at the social gathering. Spencer on the other hand, I had no idea and I didn't give a damn what he was doing while Noah was probably hanging out with Carter someplace around campus.

People were busy doing things, living their lives before the real hard work began. We've only been here a few days, nothing much had happened. We learnt, took notes and listened to the professor but in a week or two, the real work began.

I watched more students pass by and I glanced to where my best friend sat, looking for a movie for us to watch. "Genre?"

"Horror." I stated quickly. I hated cheesy romance movies, chick flicks and all of that crap. I didn't buy any of that love shit especially since it wasn't reality.

"What title?" Maggie asked while flipping through her computer, "we have paranormal, blood and guts or creepy dolls."

I glanced back at the window and saw less people out. It was getting dark but not too dark that I couldn't see anything. "Paranormal." I looked away from the window and sat on my bed, facing her as she continued to scan her computer.

"Okay, randomly picking one." She closed her eyes and tapped a key on her keyboard before letting go. "And the winner is paranormal activity three."

"My favourite." I grinned like a five year old at a candy store.

Maggie smiled at me as she came over to my bed and placed her laptop at the foot of the bed before she drew the curtains on my side and she began to stare out the window.

"What is it?" I asked as I stared with her to find nobody in sight.

She scanned the area, looking curious. "It's just really quiet at this time of night and the sun hasn't even set yet."

I nodded, agreeing with her. "Maybe everyone is already at that social thing that was on tonight." Maggie had a point though, it was rather quiet than usual. Most of the time, there were people everywhere.

"Anyways, let's watch the-" Maggie's sentence was cut off by a loud bang echoing the entire campus. We both jumped and it suddenly became dead silent. You could hear a pin drop, that was how quiet it was. In that moment, right now, nobody dared to move.

"What was that?" Maggie asked, peeking out the window again, I would know that sound from anywhere. I pulled her away from the window and quickly closed the curtains again.

"You need to stay away from the-" The sound interrupted me again, startling the both of us. "Window," I finished off my sentence, Maggie looked at me with a scared expression on her innocent face.

I got up from my bed and carefully peeked out the window to see nothing in sight. No movement, I would notice a tumbleweed come through this campus if it did and then I would know that there was definitely nobody around.

"Lexie," Maggie pulled me away, "what's going on?" Three more shots were fired in that moment and it sounded closer this time, too close. "Alexis!"

I sighed and ran my hands through my ginger hair. I breathed in and out and closed my eyes while Maggie was yelling at me to answer her. "The sounds that we heard was a gun being fired."

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