Chapter fourteen: I Did Kick Your Ass And I'd Happily Do It Again.

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I was defenceless without my gun and this man's hand was stronger than I thought. I couldn't get my way out even if I tried. The figure turned around and switched on the small light that suddenly worked; I was blinded at first until I met his eyes.


He smiled and leaned against the closed door. "Damn, you are one strong girl." I rubbed my face is distress and closed my eyes for a split second before reopening them again.

I glared at the man and slapped his cheek; he turned to the left and touched his face with his hand. "You're such an ass, Noah! I could have killed you!"

He chuckled, rubbing his cheek. "Yeah, you totally could have. I mean, you were struggling and all but you could have totally kicked my ass." The sarcasm was real and I wanted to slap it right off him.

I wanted to strangle the guy for being a complete dick but that wouldn't accomplish anything. "In case you have forgotten, I did kick your ass and I'd happily do it again." I folded my arms with a smirk plastered all over my face as I leaned against the shelf that was stood behind me.

"Oh, really?" He said with a playful smile.

I rolled my eyes and realised that we're still in this situation. "Cut the small talk, why are you in here?"

His smile dropped as he realised the same thing. "Well, there are two guards outside and I was figuring out a way to sneak past them."

"And you couldn't just fight your way past them?" I questioned in confusion. He had about the same skills as I did, so why was he still stuck in the closest?

He looked me up and down as a worried expression crossed over his face. "Because I'll look like that," he pointed to me which I shrugged in pure agreement, "what happened to you anyway?"

"I fought my way out." I explained and then came the rest. I explained how they were after me because of something my father did ages ago and now they wanted revenge.

Yay me.

"Wow," Noah said in shock, "luckily you got the skills."

I nodded with a thankful smile. "Yeah so can we get out of here, I dropped my gun."

"You have a gun?" He asked and I pushed past him to open the door. I located my gun and picked it up; I cleaned it off and placed it inside my jeans. I knew Noah could fight these people and maybe I needed the help. My limbs were still throbbing and my face was beginning to hurt even more with every move I made.

Noah left the closet light on and approached me. "We probably should take those guys out." He said casually like he was asking me out to dinner.

I looked down with a smile. "One each?" I asked as I looked back up to meet his dark eyes.

He shrugged like it was no big deal. "Sure." Part of me hated the fact that Noah was playing it cool and acting like nothing had happened but the other part loved how he acted. I liked his confidence but, I had a tiny feeling that it was going to be shattered as soon as we opened those doors.

"Why don't you just shoot them?" Noah asked as we reached the front of the gym and stood by the door where we awaited for the moment of truth.

"Because gunshots will bring more but don't worry, they might try to kill you but they won't kill me." I said with a slight smirk playing on my lips, wondering how on earth I let this happen.

"Well, that's comforting." Noah said blankly at me but I knew he was joking, unlike me who wasn't.

I made sure my gun was secure in its place and I dumped my bag next to the door and nodded towards Noah who clutched the handle of the door tightly. In three seconds, Noah forced the door open, hitting one of the guards. He fell to the ground and I was quite surprised that Noah had so much strength inside of him.

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