Chapter thirty: I'm Just Not Ready To Dig Your Grave Yet.

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Joe Lock.

We had this operation go smoothly. Nothing was going wrong. We had the beautiful girls in their sexy lingerie and heavy makeup. They were drugged but not enough to make them pass out. We had older men who wanted to buy them, sitting in separate rooms, in a nice comfy chair accompanied by alcohol and their check books.

This was going to make big money.

I've been working in this business for as long as I could remember. My father owned this business and when he died, I inherited it all. I felt lucky because when my son Aaron was born, he would go into the family business too. He grew up to become a smart young man who had the privilege of working under my wing and he was very good at it.

As I was saying, this operation was going smoothly and nothing was out of place. We had the first buyers all set up; they were ready to view the girls and to have a bidding war against them. They would be gone forever once they were bought and the men could do anything to them.

Then there was a very intelligent man known as Kevin Foster. Aaron brought him in as a rookie. He seemed fairly keen on the idea of selling young girls for prostitution and he didn't seem at all suspicious of anything. I just needed the cash, he would say. I accepted him like I did with all recruits until I noticed something a little off.

I heard him on a phone call to somebody, talking about the business and how he was so close. I frowned and walked away, knowing that something was definitely off. I let the first auction go on anyway, Aaron and I were watching but Kevin was nowhere to be seen. As the prices were going up for the first girl, we both heard sirens in the distance. Aaron and I fled the scene and ran to the garage where the car was located.

Kevin was standing in the dark, waiting for us with a gun pointed towards me and my son. "You've been caught." Kevin snickered, clicking the gun, "NYPD! Put your hands up, the both of you."

I glared at him and he did with a smirk. I saw Aaron pull our a gun out as well and tried shooting at Kevin but it was too late. Kevin fired the first hit and it shot into Aaron's heart where he plummeted back and died within a few minutes. "You'll pay for that." I growled as I bolted out the entrance I came through and lost Kevin in a crowd of cops crowding around the old abandoned warehouse. Nobody knew I was involved so it was easy to get away, I knew I had to move cities which I did until I did some digging on Kevin Foster.

I found nothing on the name and decided to look up the New York City police department to find a photo of Kevin on the website. Kevin Foster was now Detective Troy Archer. I did some digging to find that he had a child also and I smiled, already forming a perfect plan of revenge.

It took some time to get the business back together and we relocated to the middle of nowhere where nobody would ever suspect a thing. I was coming for his daughter, Alexis Elizabeth Archer and she would feel the same exact pain my son did in his last moments.

Detective Troy Archer was going to pay.


I had her. I finally had her.

I worked so hard to get her and now she was mine. She was in my hands and I could do anything to her and her father would have no idea until he saw for himself. It felt like he had planned for this moment, like he knew it was coming. He taught Alexis everything he knew and unfortunately, she killed some of my people.

"So, when are we going to finish this?" Norrie, the betrayer, said to me in a hushed voice. I reached out to Norrie some months ago about wanting revenge because I knew about Jess. We both wanted the same thing. She wanted to get Alexis back for killing Jess and I wanted to get Troy Archer back for killing my son. We both would get what we wanted. It was a win-win situation.

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