Chapter twelve: Please Shut Up.

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I've never seen Lexie like this. She was so fierce and fired up over this and I had a small feeling that something went down in the other room. "Alexis, what did you do back there?" I asked as she continued to stare at the cameras, hoping for some kind of lead to go on as to where Maggie was.

"Nothing," Alexis raised her voice, "you don't wanna know."

I shook my head in annoyance; she did something to that man. She was covered in blood and she looked like she just did a five mile run. "Whatever." I mumbled as I got up from my chair.

"Jason, where are you going?" She got up too, clearly scared of what I might find.

I ignored her protests and marched out of the surveillance room and into the next room. I opened the door as fast as I could blink with Lexie trying to pull me back. My eyes scanned the room which appeared to be a kitchen. I then noticed a man tied to a chair with blood splattered all over the floor.

"Alexis," I whispered as I felt her presence behind me, clearly not wanting me to see this tragic scene. "You tortured him!"

Alexis sighed while walking in front of me, her hands on her hips, not looking too happy. "Look, I had to do it to get some answers."

I frowned at her, wondering who this new girl was. I didn't recognise her and I knew she changed when Jess died but torturing people to get answers? That was what you see in movies, not in real life. "There are other ways to get answers, Alexis."

She shook her head in annoyance, I could tell she thought I was stupid and maybe I acted like I was but I was really not. "How else was I supposed to get answers as to why these people want me? We don't have all night, Jason."

I understand her point as I turned to the guy who had a bloodied knife next to him on the floor. I knew Alexis had skills but I never thought she could do this. "Fine, whatever. Let's get out of here before they come back."

She faintly smiled while following me out into the corridor. "That's the smartest thing you've said all night."


I've never seen Alexis with a gun nor did I know she could even fire one. Heck, I didn't even know she could kill like that. Everything about this night surprised me, I've learnt things about Alexis that probably no one else knew about except her father and I've learnt that I didn't do well in these types of situations.

"We need to get back to our dorm-" Alexis was interrupted by the sound of the glass breaking from the lobby's see through doors. She tackled me to the ground and we both hit the cold floor, I never knew she had good reflexes too.

She covered me and herself from the glass and anything that could harm us. After a second, Alexis jumped up and searched for any sign of what hit the glass. I was still on the floor, feeling quite shocked by what just happen.

Soon enough, two guys and one girl appeared in our view. They didn't have guns which was surprising to me because everyone I had seen tonight had at least had a gun in their reach. Lexie prepared herself while I scrambled to my feet and planning to stay well away from this scene.

I didn't have any skills whatsoever; I would probably die before I even moved. I moved behind the desk and watched this unfold. I had every faith that Alexis could beat these people; she basically killed the people in the surveillance room so I had my money that she could do it again.

Alexis reached for her gun but the pretty Asian girl snickered at Alexis. "Why don't we play fair, Alexis?"

Alexis nodded with a smirk and chucked her gun towards me, I dodged it not wanting to touch the thing that killed. Alexis rolled her sleeves up as the other two guys walked in with the girl in front. "Three against one, that's not a fair game." Alexis commented, her voice colder than ever.

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