Chapter three: You're Here Annoying The Heck Out Of Me.

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The party was going through the night as I took another sip of my third drink. People were socialising and dancing and it was a nice vibe around here. It wasn't like high school where the jocks and the pretty cheerleaders ruled the party, it was just college kids who didn't know each other but wanted to.

I was standing alone at this point, not really wanting to get into the whole social thing at the moment. The truth was, I hated meeting new people. New people always seemed to annoy me especially when they tried to hit on me like those two idiots did.

I took another long sip of my drink, leaning against the wall that overlooked everyone, letting the taste linger in my mouth before swallowing and letting it rush down my throat. My eyes darted to Noah's direction and Carter wasn't next to him anymore. His eyes met mine and I rolled mine and turned away, searching for Maggie and her flirtatious ways.

I spotted her flirting with a guy and that guy just happened to be Carter, Noah's friend. As the alcohol hit my taste buds again, Noah stood directly beside me while leaning against the same wall. "Why are you standing here all alone?" He asked me, taking a sip of his own drink.

I rolled my eyes and looked straight ahead. "I'm not," I smirked, "you're here annoying the heck out of me."

He chuckled at my comment and I could feel his eyes burn into me as I pretended to look elsewhere. I didn't know why this guy kept bothering me all of a sudden, I was a total bitch to him and yet he seemed to get high from it. "What are you studying?" He casually asked like we've been talking all night.

"Why the sudden interest?" I completely ignored the question with a smirk on my face. This shall be fun, messing with people is my specialty.

He cleared his throat and stood in front of me, blocking my view of everyone else. "It's a question everybody asks when they first meet. Why are you so stubborn? Just answer the question."

I started to get annoyed with this guy. Who did he think he was? "Criminology," I stated blankly, "happy now?"

He smiled like a kid at a candy store and he nodded. "Yes, thank you, Alexis." Ugh! He remembered my name. This was like high school all over again and I thought this was college. "Now this would be your opportunity to ask me the same question."

I gave a strange look and finished off my drink before setting it down on the nearest table. Usually, I would jump this guy and make out with him until the sun came up but this guy annoyed me and I hated annoying people. Before I gave him a snarky comment, Maggie raced over to me with a worried look over her face. "Oh my god!" She screamed as Noah moved out of the way. "You will never believe who is here, attending this college!"

I was taken back by her sudden outburst and I was curious as to what she was on about. "Who, Maggie? I don't like guessing games."

She ignored my last comment and looked so worried when she said the name. "Spencer!" She breathed heavily like she just ran a marathon, she looked a little tipsy and her face was really pale.

"Who's Spencer?" Noah cut in, the name ringing in my mind like the school bell we once listened to every hour.

"Wait, you mean Spencer Dolan?" She nodded when I finished. "The guy who we used to know as friends, the guy we haven't seen in three years, the guy who's girlfriend died right in front of me?" In that moment of speaking, I realised that Noah was still right beside me. I cringed and rushed off towards the door where I found the outside world around me.

I heard Maggie approaching me as I sat on the stairs that led back into the house. I stared blankly at the empty courtyard where the stars shined and the breeze began to get colder. "Lex?" Maggie stood in front of me, blocking my view. "It'll be fine, you probably won't even see him."

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