Chapter three

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Chapter three

    I walked home after my shift listening to music, but not really listening. I was in a daze; actually I was surprised I was even able to remember the way back to my apartment. I stayed in this state until six o’clock when I remembered that I had to have something to eat. I hadn’t eaten since my lunch break at twelve o’clock. Not really knowing what I wanted to eat, but suddenly noticing how hungry I was, I decided to make myself some pasta with tomato sauce and broccoli to go with it. My parents had given me the good habit of always having a vegetable to go with my dinner. Eating in front of the television I enjoyed my food and ate every last peace.

    After the program I was watching came to an end I went over to my laptop. I opened Facebook and of course Tumblr. Noticing my friend Anna was logged on I decided to tell her what had happened. Anna was my best friend, we had met in high school and she was the person who had introduced me to YouTubers, mainly Dan. We had kept in touch after we left school; she had gone straight on to university after our last year of high school. She was still a big fan of Dan’s and all the other British YouTubers we watched. I knew she would be exited to hear that I had actually seen Dan in person.

    I told her everything, how Dan had said his name and chuckled, how our hands had touched and all the times our eyes had met. I made sure to not leave anything out from the story.

    Her reply was “OMG, did that really happen? I can’t believe it! OMG you actually saw Dan in real life, that’s so AMAZING!! Askdjghfg” as I had expected she was over the moon, just fueling my excitement. Replaying those minutes in my head again like I had done so many times that day I could remember every detail of his face, every move he made. I made a mental note never to forget a single detail of those few minutes. 

    Anna and I didn’t finish talking before it was ten o’clock and she had to go to bed. She still lived in Norway and the time was eleven o’clock there, and she had do go to class the next morning. After checking my social networks one last time I decided to get ready for bed as well. I lay awake for quite a while that night thinking. It was kind of depressing to think that that had been one of the most exiting days of my entire life so far, but I tried not to care too much. I fell asleep thinking of Dan, not able to stop thinking about that last time our eyes met.

    [A/N]: Hey, the picture on the side is of Anna, played by the lovely Emma Watson. I expect that everyone on this website knows who she is, but if you don't then this is what she looks like. I have chosen one of her inocent pictures, because that is how I imagine Anna. 

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