Chapter thirty two

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Chapter thirty two

     It wasn’t actually until I got all the way home that I realized what had happened that night. Dan had actually kissed me and I could still taste his lips. It hadn’t actually been Dan who had kissed me though, it had been his irrational drunk mind. Maybe he actually did want to kiss me, but was only confident enough to do so when he was drunk. I couldn’t believe how good a kisser he was though, I kept reenacting the moment in my mind, and I could remember every detail. Dan’s lips where so soft and passionate.

    On the Saturday I woke up a little groggy, probably from the alcohol I had consumed the night before. I drank some water, which made me feel a lot better; I stupidly had forgotten to drink some the night before. After having some breakfast I checked my Tumblr and watched some TV.

     At around eleven thirty I received a text from Dan “Hey, how you doin? My hangovers a bitch. Sorry for anything I did last night, I don’t really remember, but I’m usually quite an ass when I’m drunk” he obviously didn’t remember any of what had happened.

     I decided to play it cool and replied with “I’m good, sorry about your hangover. That’s fine, you weren’t that bad

    “Good, because I can’t remember a thing

    We texted back and forth for a while and I invited him over on the Sunday as he was too busy nursing his hangover and trying to edit a video that day. Surprisingly enough he actually managed to upload a video that evening, I was impressed. Since he didn’t remember the kiss I didn’t feel the need to bring it up either, it would only make things weird between us. I would have to just forget it and suppress all of my feelings for him once again. Oh well, I had done it before, I could do it again.

    My day mainly consisted of me relaxing. I went shopping for groceries, I was going to cook Dan dinner the next evening, and found myself going into more than one cute boutique on my way there. It was so hard to not go shopping every day in London, there where so many cute shops everywhere. I was usually pretty good with controlling my flow of money, but since I had moved to London that had become increasingly hard. I bought a tight purple knit sweater which, to be a sweater, looked really sexy on.

    The only unexpected thing to happen on Saturday was a text from Benjamin telling me how much he missed me and hoped that I would one day forgive him. I had been able to suppress my thoughts of him the whole Friday evening and Saturday morning, so it irritated me that he had to interrupt my time of peace like that. I was getting on so well with Dan, making real progress, why did Benjamin have to ruin that? I wouldn’t say that the text confused me; it just brought back the doubts that had been swirling around in my head on Friday.

    I kept telling myself that I didn’t want to forgive him or get back together with him, but every time I thought of him and the way he kissed me, those were the only two things on my mind.

Dan’s POV:

    I woke up on the Saturday with a blistering headache and an extremely dry mouth. The first thing I did was get up, go to the bathroom and drink something close to a liter of water. I must have been really drunk the night before; I could only remember small parts of the night. I vaguely remembered dancing crazily with Sarah, for some reason I also remembered kissing her and being slapped witch was probably why my cheek kind of stung when I touched it. Whoever slapped me must have done it pretty hard. Maybe it was Sarah because I kissed her.

    It was a bit after eleven o’clock so I expected Sarah would be up by then. I sent her a text “Hey, how you doin? My hangovers a bitch. Sorry for anything I did last night, I don’t really remember, but I’m usually quite an ass when I’m drunk

    She replied with “I’m good, sorry about your hangover. That’s fine, you weren’t that bad

    “Good, because I can’t remember a thing

    We texted back and forth for a while and she invited me over on the Sunday as I was too busy nursing my hangover and trying to edit a video that day. She didn’t mention the kiss so neither did I. Maybe she didn’t remember either, but she said she could fill in the blanks for me on Sunday if I wanted to know anything. She probably didn’t want to talk about it; it would probably just make things weird between us.

    I couldn’t remember very clearly, but I did remember thinking she was an amazing kisser so she must have kissed me back. She was probably just caught in the moment and didn’t think about what she was doing. I had wanted to do something like that for a while, but hadn’t had the confidence to. We were just friends, she had said so herself that one time when we were over at her place and things had gotten a little heated. Well, I had suppressed my feelings for her so we could become friends to begin with, I could do it again.

    [A/N]: Hey, new chapter again, I hope you like it. There's some inportant stuff sprinkled into all of these chapters, I just hope you're paying attention. Now is deffinetly not the time to loose intrest with this story. As always, if you have any feedback please leave it in a comment bellow.

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