Chapter twenty four

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Chapter twenty four

    I had to wait until later before I could speak to Anna again, she probably had lectures and I didn’t want to interrupt her. Anyway, that gave me time to think over everything Ally had said. She had a point; I was going to end up having to forgive Anna at some point. I loved her to death, I don’t think I could live without her, and she was the only one who understood my situation with Dan. And then there was Dan, well this really didn’t have to affect my relationship with Dan at all. I’d just tell Benjamin off, and let him get on with his life, and then I could go back to being friends with Anna and try to get whatever was going on between me and Dan to actually go somewhere.

     As I was sitting down to eat my dinner, leftovers from a couple of days ago, I got a text. It was from Dan and read “How are you feeling?

    I replied suspiciously “I’m fine, why wouldn’t I be?

    “That’s good. A girl named Ally phoned me up earlier and told me you were having a bit of a tough time and I should check up on you

    “Just some drama with some friends of mine from Norway, involving an ex-boyfriend, but I’m fine now. I have no idea how she found your number though, I guess she just really likes to mess with other people’s lives. She’s friend who invited us to that party btw

    “I could fly to Norway and beat him up for you if you want” I appreciated the gesture.

    “Benjamin’s actually in London atm, but I don’t know who would win in a fight between you two

    “HE’S IN LONDON?! Has he tried any funny business with you? I’ll totally beat him up if he has, whoever he is

    “Jealous much? :P”I taunted.

    “Why would I be jealous? I’ve got the upper hand, I’m crazy internet famous

    “He’s in a band though, girls love guys in bands

    “Yeah, but he doesn’t have one million subscribers on YouTube does he?

    “You mean, your one million screaming 12 year old girls? :P

    “You’re one of my subscribers, that proves that they aren’t all screaming 12 year old girls, unless you are 12 of course?

    “No, you’re safe, you’re not a pedophile

    “Good. What has this ex-boyfriend of yours who is in a band done then, since there’s all this drama?

     “Well, I kinda found out that he slept with my best friend when we were dating, and then broke up with me because of it, but I’ve decided to forgive her. Do you mind if we don’t talk about it though? I would just like to forget about my ex all together”

     “That can be arranged, but just so you know you can always talk to me if something’s up, maybe not about all the girly stuff, but if you want ex-boyfriends beaten up I’m all in”

    I decided to have some fun with that “Well, I have this one problem, you see I’m not quite sure what sized tampons to buy” Dan didn’t answer for about a minute, so I called my bluff “Just kidding! But seriously, I appreciate it

    “Few, I was hoping you weren’t being serious

    We kept texting back and forth for about a half hour longer. I felt myself smiling and noticed how much I laughed and how eagerly I awaited his responses. I had been so down and depressed after the last night, I couldn’t have imagined that anyone would be able to make me so happy so short after that. Dan just had a way of making everything bad go away, I felt I could be myself around him and not have to worry about any of my other problems. I couldn’t believe I was falling for him this fast, I mean I had kind of known him for years, but technically I had only met him a few weeks ago.

    Dan finally said he had to get back to doing whatever it was he was doing and I apologized for distracting him for so long, to which he replied “That’s ok, I like talking to you”. That, for some reason, made me squirm in side.

    I felt myself getting too over exited, like I did when I used to have crushes in junior high. It wasn’t healthy, and I didn’t even know if he liked me (even though in junior high I mostly knew that the boys I had crushes on didn’t like me back), but I just couldn’t help it. There was something about Dan that brought out the crazed 8th grader in me.

    [A/N]: Hey, new chapter, this is the last chapter I will be leaving you with before I leave, so now you'll have to wait in great anticipation for what happenes next. I'll be gone for three weeks, try to share the story around aas much as possible while I'm gone so it can blow up with reads and stuff, that would be cool if I came back and it was really popular, even though I know that's not very likeley. Anyway I hope youe enjoy the chapter and if you ahve any feedback please leave it in a comment bellow. Thank you and goodbye for now!

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