Chapter thirty three

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    [A/N]: Hey, new chapter, this was one of my favorite chapters to write, and by the end I think you'll know why. I hope you like it! At the momet I'm almost finished writing the story, and I have an anouncement. I will be writing a secual to this story, I wont reveal anything at the moment, just that I'm really exited to write it.

    If you have any feedback, as always leave it in a comment bellow.

Chapter thirty three

    For Dan’s visit I had decided to wear black tights and my new purple knit sweater. I didn’t need much makeup, just some concealer and a light layer of mascara. My hair I left as it was. Dan was coming over at four o’clock so is started preparing what I needed to prepare for making dinner at around three thirty. Then it would be ready to be made when we got hungry. I hadn’t really planed what we were going to do; I expected we would just hang out. As expected, Dan was late, but only fifteen minutes.

    I buzzed him in and a minute later he was knocking on my door. I unlocked it and let Dan in.

    “Sorry I’m late” he apologized as he embraced me. Our hugs had become more intimate which only triggered thoughts of the events of the other night.

    “That’s ok, you’re not that late” we pulled away and walked to the living room.

    “Oh, I just remembered I saw your last video, but I forgot to like it, I should do that now” I exclaimed.

    “No, you don’t have to do that” he said scratching his neck.

    “Sure I do, I’m a dedicated dinosaur and I liked it, so I want to” I ran off to my bedroom to retrieve my laptop. I returned and found Dan sitting on my couch waiting for me to return. Plopping down next to him I opened my laptop and went onto YouTube, then his channel and then his video.

    “Oh, no, please don’t” Dan covered his face with his hands.

    “Sorry, I forgot you don’t like to watch your own videos” I said pausing the video “I’ll just press like and then I’ll go out of it” when I had finished and exited the internet I removed Dan’s hands from his face.

    “It’s ok, you can come out now” I teased, and he stuck his tongue out at me. “I don’t get why you don’t want to watch them” he gave me a you-know-exactly-why type of look “ok, maybe I do understand a little”

     “So, what do you want to do tonight other than torture me with my videos?”

    “I don’t know, there’s not much to do here really, we could watch some TV, talk and stuff”

     “Stuff sounds good”

    “Haha” I rolled my eyes, placed my laptop on the coffee table and reached over for the remote. I sat back, switched the TV on and Dan swung an arm over my shoulders. We watched some game show, betted on who would win and talked about other stuff. I even got to give some input on a new video idea he told me about.

    At about six thirty I decided to start making the dinner. Dan tried insisting on helping me, but I said that it only stressed me to cook with other people. So, he stood in the doorframe, staying out of my way, and watched me. he looked kind of sexy leant on the door frame like  that, and I could feel his eyes on me the whole time tracing every inch of my body. There wasn’t much for me to do since I had made it all ready beforehand, so mostly I just stood, leant against the counter, talking to Dan.

    The dinner was done within half an hour, Dan set the table and I brought out the food to the dining room. I set two candles on the table and lit them with matches.

    “I thought I would make it a little cozy”

    We sat down besides each other, for a while we didn’t speak, just enjoyed the food.

    “This is really good, well done” he complimented me with a mouth full of food.

    “Thanks, sometimes I surprise myself with my cooking skills. I remember you saying that you like cooking, you should cook for me some time”

    “Yeah I do. Um sure, I’d love to”

    We finished the meal talking about our favorite recipes. He helped me carry the dishes to the kitchen and load up the dishwasher. We decided to watch a movie and Dan went to the living room to pick out one. I took a bowl out from the cupboard and filled it with various sweets I had in stock. I added some Norwegian chocolate as well. Dan was bent over my cabinet stuffed full with DVD’s when I came out into the living room.

    “Have you found anything good?”

    “It’s so hard to choose, which one do you want to watch” he turned around holding up two movies. The choice was so hard in the end I just had to pick a different movie. I pulled out my favorite movie, called Hackers, and held it up to see if Dan approved. When he looked back at me blankly I decided to give him my best argument.

     “Yes, it’s a stupid love story, but it’s not soppy and it’s about a group of computer geeks”

    I was afraid Dan would argue, but instead he accepted immediately. The movie went in to the DVD player and I sat down on the couch next to Dan. As the movie started I reached for the bowl of chocolate and we leaned back into the couch, Dan’s arm around me. The bowl was emptied pretty fast, Dan commented on the Norwegian chocolate saying it was really good. I snuggled closer and closer to Dan throughout the movie.

    The movie ended, but neither of us moved an inch, we were so comfortable, his arm around me and my head resting on his chest. I looked up at Dan and he looked down at me when he noticed that I was looking at him. That’s when I kissed him, I couldn’t resist. I leaned up and quickly pecked him on the lips.

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