Chapter twenty eight

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Twenty eight

    Slowly my enraging encounter with Benjamin started fading away and at the end of my shift I happily put on my jacket, put my earphones in my ears and walk out the back door humming along with the song currently playing.

     That’s when I felt a hand on my shoulder stopping me in my tracks. I turned around and looked up at, again, the one person who I did not want to see that day, Benjamin.

    I slowly took my earphones out of my ears, glared up at him and spat “What?”

    “I just wanted to talk to you about earlier. I know that something’s up, you’ve never looked at me with that amount of disgust. I don’t know what I did, but whatever it is I am truly sorry” he said genuinely, I guess he had forgotten about cheating on me and then breaking up with me because of it, well too bad, cause I hadn’t.

    “Oh, I think you know very well what you did. You may have thought that I would never find out, but you definitely know what you did”

    “Sara I’m confused. What are you talking about?”

    “Let me enlighten you. First of all you slept with my fucking best friend, and second of all you broke up with me because of it without even telling me. Did I clear up your confusion?”

    Benjamin stared at me blankly for a few seconds, so I started turning to walk away.

    “Wait” he exclaimed.

    I turned around slowly “What?”

    “How did you find that out?”

    “Anna told me. Do you know why? Because she’s a good friend and she decided that she couldn’t keep that from me anymore. To think that I had forgiven you for breaking up with me and then suddenly I find out I never should have”

    “I wanted to tell you, but I knew you would react badly, like you seem to be doing now”

    “Seriously? React badly? Is there a good way of reacting to finding out your boyfriend cheated on you with your best friend and then broke up with you because of it?”

     “That’s not what I meant , I . . .                              

     I cut him off, not wanting to hear any of his excuses “Whatever, it doesn’t matter, I don’t want to hear any of your excuses. There is no way you will ever be able to make this up to me, and I will never forgive you. So, there is no point in trying, it’ll just be a waste of breath”

    “Sara just listen to what I have to say. I never meant for that to happen, we were drunk and we made a mistake. I wasn’t able to live with myself after that, I probably should have told you when I broke up with you, but I didn’t want to hurt you any more than necessary”

    “Oh, so you did it out of mercy? Wow, you’re such a saint Benjamin!” the sarcasm dripped from mouth like acid “But you figured you should probably just take my virginity first. ‘Cause that was the noble thing to do right? And then break up with me the night after”

    “I didn’t want to take your virginity after that, I mean I wanted to of course, I couldn’t help myself, that’s why I did, but I couldn’t keep on keeping the secret from you after that. As I said, I just couldn’t live with myself”

    “Benjamin, like I said, you’re wasting your breath. In fact you’re only digging the hole deeper. What you did is unforgiveable, now I would like to never see you again, so please don’t come here anymore” I felt tears start to form at the corner of my eyes. I was so frustrated and upset, but at the same time the thought of never seeing him again for some reason made me sad. We had been so happy together; we had made a lot of precious memories. After he had broken up with me and I had finally been able to forgive him I had still held onto those happy memories. Now those memories were all clouded over by hatred and I wished to discard of them as soon as possible.

    “I can’t live without ever seeing you again” he said softly “that’s why I had to come back and talk to you; I saw you on Wednesday, sitting in the shop with that guy, I got jealous and I thought that maybe your irritability toward me had something to do with him. I had to see you again; I couldn’t let him take you away from me without knowing if you had forgiven me”

    “Well, it’s a little too late for that don’t you think?” I whispered trying to choke back the tears threatening to roll down my cheeks. 

    Benjamin placed his hand beneath my chin, trying to guide my eyes away from the pavement, but I swatted his arm away.  “Just don’t” I turned around and started walking off in a high tempo. I hear him call my name, but I just kept walking. I was sick and tired of him and I hoped I would never have to see him again.

    Behind me I could hear footsteps approaching.

     “Benjamin just leave me alone” I said, a little louder than I had anticipated.

    He ran out in front of me forcing me to stop or I would walk right into him “I can’t just leave you alone Sara, I still love you”. I looked up in shock, that was not something I had expected.

    “What did you s . . .” I was cut off by Benjamin’s lips crashing into mine.

    [A/N]: New chapter! Hope you like it, getting pretty interesting now isn't it?

   Seriously? Doesn't anyone have anything to comment on. I mean I'm not complaining if you guys think that the story is flawless. You could write that in a comment as well. But seriouslt if you have ANY feedback I would love to hear it.

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