Chapter thirteen

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Chapter thirteen

    Dan and I texted all weekend. On Saturday evening I had a three hour long Skype conversation with Anna as well. I told her more about the previous day since we hadn’t had much time the night before and of course about that day’s meeting with Dan. She asked tons of questions and I told her how I had confessed to being a fan of his. Thinking back it felt like a weight being lifted off my shoulders, now I no longer had to hide that side of me.

    “So, did you by any chance also tell him about your ginormous crush on him?”

    “No, of course I didn’t he said he wanted to be friends, friends don’t have ginormous crushes on each other” I retorted.

    “But all the signs are there, if I had been there in person I could have been more certain, but I can almost guarantee you that he likes you too” she tried to convince me.

    “That’s probably just the way I’m telling the story, I’m sure if you heard it from him it would be different, because deep down I know I want him to like me and I want to read the signs that way” I admitted.

    “You’re just saying that because you’re scared, you’re scared of opening up, letting someone inn and you’re scared that it won’t work out. You’ve been hurt before and I know that, but you shouldn’t be scared, he likes you, he is just too shy to tell you, just like you are too shy to tell him” she reassured me “Go for it, or you’ll regret it forever if you don’t, trust me”

    She would be the one to know, she had had a giant crush on this guy who had been our friend forever. In the end she decided to tell him and they ended up getting together and had now had their two year anniversary last month. I resisted the temptation to tell her about my meeting Benjamin, jet again. I couldn’t manage talking about that now, it would only bring up old hurt and insecurities.

    Anna’s words echoed in my head throughout the night every time I got a text from Dan “Go for it”. I couldn’t just go for it; I had only known Dan for a few days, even though I had known who he was for years.

    On Monday morning I got a text from Dan “Hey, want to go out for pizza tonight with me and Phil?

    I replied “Sorry, it’s my sister’s birthday today, and were doing this whole long Skype conversation this evening. But I’m free tomorrow if that works for you guys?” I waited for a reply while I washed my face and put on makeup.

    Finally it came “Sure, if you send me your address we’ll pick you up at six, sound good?

    I answered “Sounds amazing, and tell Phil that I can’t wait to meet him!” then I texted my address.

    At work Dan obviously came in, like he always did. It was a little awkward, I didn’t know how to treat him as a customer now that I knew him personally, but it worked out fine. We chatted, but kept it short so as not to annoy any of the other customers. We kept eye contact the whole time, and when I asked him if he wanted his usual he winked at me and I raised one eyebrow smirking. Without me noticing Dan’s name was called and he walked out of the shop. When I looked up and saw that he wasn’t sitting down waiting any more I looked around confused. He was standing outside, right next to the brick wall; it looked like he was waiting for me to see him. When our eyes met he flashed a brilliant smile and then disappeared.

    About twenty minutes later another familiar face walked in to the shop. Benjamin lined up in the back of the queue. When he approached the counter I greeted him flatly.

    “Welcome to Starbucks, may I take your order”

    “Yeah, I’ll have an espresso macchiato and one of those blueberry muffins please”

    I told him the price and got out a blueberry muffin from the glass display. Handing me some money he asked jokingly “Don’t you need to ask my name, so you can write it on the cup?”

    “I think I’ve known you long enough not to have to ask your name” I shot back sarcastically.

    “Just making sure you remembered” 

    Benjamin took a seat, waiting for his coffee, never taking his eyes off me. When his name was called he got up, gathered his coffee and marched out of the shop with his head held high. He looked back as he crossed the street, but I didn’t return his smile and quickly looked away.

    [A/N]: Hey, again not the longest chapter, but I hope you like it anyway. This where the interesting part starts. The picture on the side is of Benjamin, played by Hayden Christensen, this is the picture that made me think of him for this role. As always, if you have eny feedback please leave it in a coment :)

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