Chapter nineteen

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     [A/N]: Hey, new chapter. So, today is my birthday, I'm turning 17, but I also received some news yersterday that wans't all that fun, so I'm not in the best mood, which obviously sucks because it's my birthday. If you like the story it would be really nice if you maybe could try sharing it around a little so I could get a few more reads. I'm not a big fan of self promotion, so if you guys could maybe help me out a little bit, that would probably improove my mood today. I would be eternally grateful, think of it as a birthday present.

Chapter nineteen

    I woke up the next morning in the same position, I didn’t know how, because I always moved in my sleep. I made a sleepy noise and Dan’s arms tightened around me.

    “Oh, sorry did I wake you?” I asked concerned.

    “No, I’ve been awake for a while I was just watching you sleep, and I didn’t want to wake you up by moving anyway” he answered sweetly. I turned around and laid my head on his chest.

    “You wanna get up?” he asked.

    “Nah, let’s just lay here for a while” so we did, just lying there looking up at the sealing. I was tracing circles on Dan’s bare chest with my finger when Phil walked inn.

    “Oh, sorry, hope I’m not interrupting anything” Phil said looking a bit mischievous.

    “No, of course not” Dan and I said in unison as we both sat up and scooted slightly away from each other. 

     “Ok, I just wanted to see if you were awake, I’m having breakfast now, if you guys want some?” Phil said trying to hide his amusement, but doing a very bad job of it.

    “We’ll be right out” Dan answered for the both of us. Phil left the room and we both got out of bed, I put on my sweatpants (in a way that was a bit more sexy than usual) and then we headed for the kitchen. Phil was sitting in the lounge eating some serial. 

    Once we were in the kitchen Dan asked “So, what would you like? We have bread, cereal, eggs, fruit, whatever you want”

    “Cereal’s fine”

     Dan got out to bowls, some milk from the fridge and pointed me to the different cereals. I chose one in a green box and looked like it had a lot of sugar inn it. I poured some into my bowl and declined when Dan offered me the milk.

    “What? You don’t drink milk?”

    “Nope, I was lactose intolerant when I was younger so I never really drank milk. I guess since I’m not used to it I don’t really like it” I explained as we walked to the lounge and sat down together with Phil. The TV was on and for a while we just sat there watching the program eating our cereal.

    “So, did you guys, you know?” Phil started hesitantly.

    “Oh, Phil, no. I was just so scared after the movie last night, I couldn’t sleep alone, I would have scared myself to death” I reassured him. We kept eating in silence.

    When I finished I got up and asked “Could I borrow a towel so I can take a shower?”

     “Sure” Dan said getting up. He led me to the bathroom, showed me how the shower worked and got out a towel for me from a cupboard. “Have fun” he said leaving the room and closing the door behind him. I stepped into the shower and felt the hot water engulf me. When I stepped out of the shower I reached for the towel and wrapped it around me. I then remembered that my tank top and bra where still in Dan’s rooms. I put on my underwear and sweatpants, wrapped the towel around my upper body and scurried down the hall.  As I walked through the door I walked right into someone, looking up I saw it was Dan. He was holding my clothes.

    “I was just about to bring these to you”

    “Thanks” I said while adjusting the towel so it didn’t slip down. I caught Dan sneaking a glance at my chest as I did so. He handed me my clothes, ran his hand lightly down my bare arm, making me brake out in goose bumps, then left to let me change. I got dressed and headed back out to the lounge where the boys were still plumped in front of the TV. I sat down in between them again; Dan scooted closer to me and put an arm around my shoulders.

    Suddenly Phil jumped up “We should play a videogame”

   “Ok, which one?” I asked joining him in front of the TV staring at their massive videogame collection and admitted “I’m not very good at ones where you have to do more than one thing at a time”

    “What about Mariocart?”

    “Yeah, I love Mariocart, and I can actually do it” I exclaimed.

    All three of us gathered on the floor in front of the TV and started the game. We played for a long time and I was actually able to beat them a few times. Even though I knew they were huge videogame nerds. And every time I beat them I jumped up and did a little victory dance taunting them with “I beat you, I beat you, I beat you”

    When the time was approaching one o’clock I decided it was time for me to leave, I didn’t want to intrude on their hospitality for too long. We were all standing in the entrance hall and I was about to leave when I remembered the party Ally had invited me to.

    “Hey, you guys wanna come to a party next Friday? My friend invited me so I could get more involved in the “social network” of London, but as you know I’m quite shy so she said I could bring two people with me so I would feel more comfortable”

    “Yeah, why not? What about you Phil?”

    “I would love to, but I can’t. I have that thing remember Dan?”

    “Oh, yeah, but at least I’ll be there with you” Dan reassured me.

    “Cool, see you on Friday then”

    “Won’t I see you in Starbucks during the week?”

    “Unfortunately not, my manager set me up for later shifts all week. She said something about them being low on staff for the later shifts” I left after giving both the guys a hug. As I was pulling away from my hug with Dan I muttered “Thanks for staying with me last night” I stood up on my toes and kissed him softly on the cheek.

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