Chapter forty one

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Chapter forty one

    “I . . . I” he stuttered.

    I cut him off “What the hell is wrong with you?” I was shouting now “What was even going on inside that messed up head of yours? Did you even want me to forgive you?”

    “Of course I do”

    “Well, that’s not what it looks like to me. How could you do this to me? AGAIN!” I screamed. I could feel a break down coming on.

    “I wasn’t thinking, it just sort of happened and I knew it was wrong, but I didn’t think you would ever find out”

    “That is the worst excuse I think I’ve ever heard. Oh my goodness, Anna was right, you are bad news. I guess it’s right what they say, once a cheater, always a cheater”

    “I didn’t know you were that serious about forgiving me”

    “What does that have to do with anything? Anyway, I told you I wanted to sort some things out with you. Did that not even give you a clue?”

    “You’re right; I should have thought it over a little before I did it”

    “’Should have thought it over a little before you did it?’ Yeah, you should have! But now it’s too late. How am I supposed do trust you when the second I turn my back you’re hooking up with another one of my friends? Tell me that”

    He obviously had no response so I kept on going.

    “How could I be so stupid? I went directly against the advice of my best friend, who was actually at the other end of the situation and knows even more about what happened the first time than I do. What was I thinking? You know what? I actually know exactly what I was thinking. I was thinking ‘Oh, poor Benjamin, I’m not giving him a proper chance to be forgiven’. And do you know why I was thinking that? Because of you; you little manipulative shit!” I spat the last sentence at him with so much hate he flinched.

    “Let’s not get carried away now”

    “Yes, let’s! I’m not finished with you! You manipulated me buy kissing me and being nice to me and bringing back my old feelings, which by the way were all buried away long before you came to see me that first time. You made remember all that we used to have and how good our relationship was and it felt safe because I was so used to it. But it wasn’t real. Was it ever real Benjamin? Did you ever care for me as much as I cared for you?”

    “Of course I did” he pleaded.

    “Don’t lie to me! I was so in love with you, no wait, I wasn’t; I thought I was in love with you. But the whole time you were looking over your shoulder, looking out for something better to come along”

    “That’s not true! I thought I was in love with you too” he lowered his voice to almost a whisper “but people make mistakes”

    “Yes, they do, but you would think that after the first horribly devastating time they would learn and not make that same mistake again. Look at the amount of people you’ve hurt by going this. I know Anna hurt for a long time and was afraid she would lose me, Kristopher must have been pretty hurt as well, I can imagine, Leah looked pretty hurt to me, and me, you hurt me, not once, but twice. Why do you enjoy tormenting me?”

    “Of course I don’t enjoy tormenting you; I haven’t done any of this on purpose”

    “I can understand the first time, you were drunk, and people make mistakes when they’re drunk, that’s why I was going to try to forgive you. But this time, you weren’t even drunk Benjamin. How could you do that without being under the influence of something? Your brain must have had a power out or something”

    “I don’t know I guess I wasn’t thinking properly. Maybe I wasn’t thinking at all”

    “I guess you weren’t” I could feel this conversation coming to an end “And the worst part is you most likely ruined my relationship with Dan” I hadn’t thought about that before now. That’s when I felt a tear stream down my cheek, not because I was sad about what Benjamin had done or because I was now definitely never going to get back together with him, or the fact that I was probably never going to see him again. Because those things didn’t really matter anymore, I was done crying over Benjamin. When I thought of him now I felt nothing, nothing at all.

    I did however still feel bad about what happened between me and Dan. I thought back to what Anna had tried to tell me earlier. Maybe I was just afraid of being hurt again and that’s why I had wanted to back to Benjamin because for some reason that felt safe. It wasn’t though, Dan was safe, and he had always been nicer and more genuine than Benjamin had ever been.

    All of a sudden I knew what I had to do.

    “I guess you won’t be able to forgive me this time”

    “No I won’t, but if you would excuse me, I have something more important to attend to” before he could reply I rushed off. I heard him yell my name after me but I just picked up my speed, starting to run.

    [A/N]: Hey, new chapter, hope you like it. Can anyone guess what's going to happen next? There are only a few chapters left, so something intersting is bound to happen right? Right! Tune in again tomorow to find out :P

    Anyway, if you have any feedback, as always please leave it in a comment bellow, and if you really like the chapter plese vote.

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