Chapter thirty seven

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Chapter thirty seven

    The next day panned out basically the same way. I came to work, Benjamin came in and was nice and sweet and even a little flirtatious. Once again our hands lingered when we touched, his hands were always warm, the opposite of mine. How did he do that, make me think about him all the time? I was starting to remember why I fell for him in the first place; it felt right, but at the same time a little scary. How could I be sure he wouldn’t make the same mistakes as last time, how could I be sure he wouldn’t cheat on me again. I guess he still had some convincing to do, but at the moment he was slowly but surely working his way back into my life, it was all happening so fast I almost didn’t realize it was happening.

    At work Leah, my coworker who had informed Ally about Benjamin when he first came into the shop, and I had been talking. She was a very nice girl and since Ally wasn’t in we talked more than usual.

    “So what’s with you and that cute guy who keeps coming in?” she asked mischievously.

    “Oh that’s nothing; he’s just an old friend” I brushed her off.

    “That’s not what it looks like to me”

    “Well, that’s what it is, really. If you think he’s so cute why don’t you go for him yourself?” I didn’t really mean that, I just wanted to focus the attention on someone other than me for once.

    “You don’t really mean that, I can see that in your eyes. Don’t worry, he’s not really my type anyway” she walked off before I could say anything more.  Well if we got back together I at least didn’t have to worry about him cheating on me with anyone at work, they all seemed to think we had something going on.

    I got home that evening feeling pretty content, that was probably because I had been so distracted all day that I hadn’t had the time to ever think about Dan. The first thing on my mind as I stepped through the door was of food. My fridge was pretty empty, I guess I had been so distracted lately that I had even forgotten to go to the supermarket to get food. I quickly jotted down the various items I needed on a small notepad, grabbed my keys and walked briskly to the Tesco down the street.

    Walking around the aisles, I picked up the different items on my list; I was always efficient with shopping. I was still getting used to the food in this country, I was standing on one of the aisles pondering what type of yoghurt to by when someone whispered in my ear “Hey you”. I jumped about two meters in the air and spun around.

    “Oh my goodness Benjamin you scared the living daylight out of me. What are you doing here, are you following me or something?” he wasn’t going to let me go a second without thinking about him was he.

    “I was actually just about to ask you the same thing” he said accusingly.

    “Well I guess you got your answer then”

    “So, what brings you hear?” he was trying to make conversation.

    I held up my little carrier thingy “Buying food” I stated. I started walking down the aisle grabbing the yoghurt I had decided on. Benjamin followed me closely around the shop till I made my way to the checkout. He stood in line behind me and I waited for him by the door while he paid for his food.

    We walked out of the shop together “May I walk you home?”

    “So that’s what this was about, you needed to figure out my address, or maybe you already knew that since you’ve been following me, but you had to have me show you so that when you arrive at my apartment later I won’t be suspicious, so I’ll let you inn so that when you stab me there won’t be signs of a forced entry”

    Benjamin was looking at me with a confused look; I don’t think he was able to follow my train of thought. “I’m kidding. Come on” I motioned for him to follow me.

    We walked in a comfortable silence for a while before Benjamin broke it “Thank you for not being quite as mad at me lately”

    “I haven’t forgiven you you know, at least not yet” I didn’t want to lie to him; he should know that I was considering it.

   “I know, I can tell by your slight coolness. It doesn’t matter; I’m going to regain your trust eventually”

    “You seem very confident, why so sure of yourself?”

    “I can see it in the way you look at me, you want to forgive me, you’re just a little too scared and confused. That’s ok though, I have all the time in the world, and when you’re ready I’ll be waiting” that was one of the sweetest things he had ever said to me, quite an arrogant thing to say, but none the less kind of sweet. I had missed the deep conversations we used to have.

    “Thank you for not pressuring me” I smiled at him brightly. We kept walking in silence again. “Well, this is me” I announced as we walked up to the front door of my apartment building.

    “I guess I’ll see you tomorrow at Starbucks” I was glad he hadn’t asked to come up with me.

    “I guess so” he caught me by surprise when he touched my waist and pulled me inn for a hug. The hug was long, but not too long, just long enough, my arms wrapped around his back and his warm body felt nice pressed against mine. We broke apart and as we were both about to go our separate ways Benjamin leaned down and kissed me on the cheek, it was a light and sweet kiss and I didn’t protest. Then he turned around, so did I, he walked down the street and I into my apartment building.

    [A/N]: Hey, new chapter, i had origianlly actually not planned for this chapter to happen, but when I got to this point I felt like it fit and it helps with explaining some of the feelings both Sarah and Benjamin have for eachother. I hope you like it.

    As always, if you have any feedback please leave it in a comment bellow, and if you really liked it maybe vote as well?

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