Chapter twenty

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Chapter twenty

     I did see Dan in Starbucks later that week though. He came in later on the Wednesday just so he could say hi. We sat at a table and chatter for a little while till one of my colleagues started giving me dirty looks, obviously irritated that I was slacking off. So, I gave Dan a quick hug and he left me to do my job.

    I figured out why I hadn’t been seeing Benjamin lately though. He had started coming inn on a regular basis, only later, after my shift. I had been so caught off guard the first few times he had come inn and I had actually been quite rude to him I now realized. I didn’t know for sure what his intentions were, but he did keep coming back. So, I suspected that it must have been something on the lines of getting back together with me. I was over Benjamin and was now moving on, hopefully with Dan. Therefore I decided on an attitude adjustment. If Benjamin did want to get back together with me he might have read the signs wrong. He might interpret my rudeness as a sign that I wasn’t over him yet and was still mad with him for what happened between us. So, I decided to try to be nice instead, and then he might get the picture and not bother me anymore. Yes, I used to have feelings for the guy, but those feelings were gone and we were definitely never getting back together.

    When he came in on Monday and Tuesday I smiled at him and we made small talk at the cash register. When he came in on Wednesday I was clearing tables, he entered the shop and walked over to stand in line. He got to the front, ordered and the guy at the counter asked him to take a seat while he waited for his order to be made.

    Benjamin walked over to the table I was clearing; I looked up and gave him a bright smile.

    “May I?” he gestured to the chair standing at the table.

    “Be my guest” he pulled out the chair and sat down.

    I kept washing the table and glancing up at him from time to time. I don’t think you will be able to imagine how awkward that silence was. The worst part was that Benjamin seemed to be enjoying it, he hadn’t changed one bit. I’m the type of person who quite enjoys awkward silences, and seeing how people handle them, Benjamin was too, that was one of the reasons we used to get along so well. We used to play this game, whenever we were on any type of public transport we would challenge each other to do really random and awkward things and then just sit down quietly in our seats and pretend nothing had happened. Whoever cracked up first or refused to do the challenge would lose. Benjamin would almost always win, I was much more of a wimp than him, and didn’t like embarrassing myself.

    “Why did I ever bother playing that game with you, you just wanted to humiliate me” I muttered, finally realizing that he just liked watching me make a fool out of myself.

    “Whatever do you mean?” he asked, faking confusion.

    “I’m going to be a mature adult right now and walk away, that does not mean I have lost, I just refuse to be a part of your games any more” with that I wiped the table one last time with my cloth and marched to the back of the shop, to the employees “lounge” if you could even call it a lounge.

    After a minute or so I opened the door out to the shop, but just a crack big enough for me to peak out. Benjamin was still sitting at the table, his eyes fixed on the door to the back of the shop with an overly stupid grin plastered across his face. I quickly shut the door, sometimes he was so evil. I wished that stupid order of his would just be made already; there weren’t that many people before him in line.

    I hadn’t noticed someone walk up behind me, so when I turned around from the door the sight of Ally standing in front of me looking confused made me jump back, only there was no back and I ended up slamming into the door. I hoped Benjamin hadn’t heard that.

    “Sara are you ok? What were you doing anyway?” Ally embraced me, trying to calm me down; she rubbed my back until my breath had slowed down. Then she pulled away and looked at me questioningly. “So?”

    “I was checking if he was still out there”

    “Who” her expression was getting more and more confused.

     “You remember when Leah told you about that guy who came in and seemed to know me and I explained that that was my ex-boyfriend from Norway?”

    “Yeah, is he here now?” I heard her getting animated.

    “Well, yeah. I didn’t see him after that first time he came in until I started working later this week, I guess he figured out that I worked early and decided to start coming later. We just shared the most awkward silence imaginable, and he’s still sitting there, I can’t go back out there”

    “I have to see this guy” Ally announced getting up and heading for the door. I caught her arm and pulled her back.

    “You can’t do that” I tried to reason with her.

    “Relax, I’ll just go out there acting completely normal, then I can let you know when he leaves so you don’t have to keep spying on him”

    “Ok” I agreed unwillingly, I couldn’t help but think she was going to embarrass me in some way, but I let her go.

    She came back a few minutes later. “That guy just didn’t want to leave” she exclaimed faking exasperation “he’s really cute though” she winked at me.

    “Oh, shut up” I punched her in the arm.

    [A/N]: Hey new chapter, just want to let everyone know that I am leaving on the 5th of July, so there won't be any more chapters coming after that for about three weeks, I'm really sorry about that, but I will be returning to the one chapter a day after that. I hope you engoy the new chapter, maybe I'll sneak in a few extras before I leave.

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