Chapter thirty eight

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Chapter thirty eight

    I decided Anna needed an update, so after making myself some food and turning on my computer I logged onto Skype and luckily she was on as well.

    “Hey bby <3” she typed the second I logged on.

    “Hey, how’s school?

    “Ugh, let’s not talk about that right now. What about your life, how’s the guy situation going?

    “Actually I’m not so sure; it’s a little confusing at the moment

    “Enlighten me!!” she was obviously excited.

    “Well, I had what you could call a date with Dan on Sunday

    “OOHH, exciting. How did that go?

    “Very well until we started making out and then I started overthinking about everything and basically told him he had to leave

    “What happened, was it Benjamin?” it was weird how she came to that conclusion so fast.

    “Kinda, well, he was part of the reason. He sent me this text on Saturday that totally confused me for some reason. I couldn’t just exclusively decide to go for Dan; I wouldn’t be giving Benjamin a fair chance at earning my forgiveness

    “So, did you talk to Dan about that?

    “Well I tried to tell him that, but I guess I wasn’t able to find the right words at the time and he kinda took it pretty badly, he got really angry and stormed out

    “You should have called me right away” she was such a good friend.

    “It was really late and Valery helped me, I didn’t want to bother you. I know how tiring it is to be a student to begin with without your best friend calling you in the middle of the night from England because she’s having guy problems

    “Don’t ever say anything like that ever again; I’m warning you, if you need me call me no matter what. So, have you talked to him since that?

    “Ok, you know I love you right, but no, he hasn’t been coming in to Starbucks at all. I’ve been talking to Benjamin quite a lot though, he comes in everyday

     “It doesn’t sound like you’re really giving Dan a fair chance then” she was right.

    “I know, that’s why I’m so messed up, but Benjamin has been so sweet and nice, and I he keeps distraction me whenever I think about Dan. I’m almost considering forgiving him at this point

    “Oh no, you definitely do not want to do that, he really is bad news, he’s just using your history to get you back. Earlier though you said that Benjamin was only part of the reason that you broke up your make out session with Dan

    “Yeah, my overthinking started with thinking that Dan probably had had many girls before me, even though he always makes himself out to be such an awkward person. I mean, you’ve seen how easily he’s roped me in. I don’t think that’s the main reason though, I think it’s Benjamin

    “Babe, now I understand everything

    “What? What am I missing?” what did she know and how had I missed it?

    “You’re afraid that you’re not good enough for Dan and that you’ll get hurt again like you did last time. You’re using Benjamin as an excuse, you don’t really want to forgive him, why should you, but now that’s he’s being nice like he used to be it’s reminding you of your feelings for him when you first started dating. It’s giving you a false sense of security, and now your new possible relationship with Dan has become the scary and unsure thing. Don’t be afraid, Dan won’t hurt you, he’s a good guy. You shouldn’t go back to Benjamin though; it’ll just show him that he can get away with that stuff with you. He’s not sorry he did what he did; he’s just sorry he got caught. There’s a reason people say once a cheater always a cheater

    I let her words sink inn. Was she right? “How do you know all of this? How can you be sure?” I questioned, it made so much sense, but could it really be true?

    “Well I know for sure that Benjamin isn’t sorry, and the only reason I can find for you suddenly wanting to forgive him is that you’re scared it’ll happen again

    “But he’s being so nice

    “He’s very good at getting what he wants, if you don’t believe me wait and see, I’m sure you’ll see what I mean. But you should at least talk to Dan; you don’t want what you have with him to go to waste

    Our conversation ended a short while after that, Anna had things to do and I had to rest, my brain ached. Had everything I had thought been wrong, what Anna had said made so much sense. It was like a puzzle coming together perfectly. I wasn’t completely convinced that Benjamin was pure evil though, he had been so nice and sweet to me lately, I didn’t want to throw that all away either, just because Anna was skeptical. I decided that maybe I’d go talk to Dan after my shift the next day.

    [A/N]: Hey, new chapter, I hope you like it. Anna is an important character in this story and I enjoy writing the parts where she helps Sarah. I hope you can't wait to see what happenes, the story is almost coming to an end now.

    As always if you have any feedbakc please leave it in a comment bellow and if you really liked the chapter please vote. I really appreachiate all the support I get, it gives me motivation.

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