TWO| sunday, middle of august, 2067 pt. 1

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Summer went by in a blink of an eye. Danny and I couldn't spend much time together as we would have liked, because she went to Gated London to see her father for the entire summer. Nevertheless, my summer was pretty interesting. Lucas and I traveled to Liverpool to see Mum's family. It's always fun going to Liverpool to see my second family, all my step-siblings missed me and I sure did miss them too.

Lucas's seventeenth birthday was July fifteenth. He got a new truck, a treat from himself to himself. He already had a sports car, I guess he wanted something new. His birthday was all over the news and Internet, I don't exactly know why, but I guess he's a big person around Manchester and Liverpool. Speaking of Lucas, he insisted on buying everything I need for the Academy called JAPU. He got me a bit of new clothes and some kicks. I highlighted my hair and got colored contacts. I don't know why, I just felt like I should be a different at JAPU.

I got accepted into JAPU rather quick. Dad told me that I would get in because of Lucas and I guess he was right. I'm not exactly sure what he meant by that, but at least I'm at a different school. But I do have to admit, I'm going to miss Danny. Today is the first day of the Junior Academy of Preparation Unification. It's a four year school year, freshman, sophomore, junior, and senior, just like the states.

The first year being your Freshman year which you're the age twelve to thirteen. I hear freshman years a bit scary, it's usually getting used to everything and just getting started, from what Lucas told me. Sophomore year is ages thirteen to fourteen. It's the year where you're not the upperclassman but you're not the newbie either. I hear Junior year, ages fourteen to fifteen, is the hardest. It's where colleges and universities look the most at your grades and academics and such. And finally, Senior year, ages fifteen to sixteen. It's the chilliest year and the scariest because going to college is an option. Or, instead of college, you could spend two more years here at JAPU being a student teacher and when you turn eighteen, then you'll be off to university.

I hear that JAPU is the best school in the world. But you can't always believe what you hear. Lucas told me that it's great and I'd be impressed. He also told me I was roomed with a senior. I don't know how he knows, and it's really starting to aggravate me that he knows everything and he won't tell me how. He's just saying so much stuff, and I don't know whether to believe him or not, because he won't tell me how he knows!

"Louis Tomlinson, please hurry. You need to be there by one thirty, we need to leave now. Do you have everything?" Dad asked coming down the hallway.

I'm so glad he decided not to get drunk today. I noticed his burned and bruised fingers. I know they're sore, but I believe in karma and that's exactly what he got for drinking on the job. He has the luxury of working from home being a barber or hairstylist, whatever people call him, and he can't even do that right.

"Yes," I answered hearing him walking in.

"Don't screw things up. Remember, you're representing me out there," Lucas said.


"Don't ask bloody questions," Lucas rolled his eyes at me and walked out the door.

He's off to his first year of college, but I doubt he's even going to go to college. He's probably going to just skip it and go off to Germany or the states like he did when he was at JAPU last year. He says he's not going to university because he simply doesn't need it. I don't know why he doesn't need it, but Dad seems to be on the same boat as Lucas about him not going to university.

Dad and I got all of my bags into his car, and he drove to the airport. We got our boarding pass and ate breakfast. We sat and waited for our plane to be called. We're on flight A276 Group 1.

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