TEN| saturday morning

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I woke up the next day to Danny in my room jumping on my bed. It frightened me, which made me fall out my bed with a loud thud. I groaned as I hit my head on the ground. She sat on top of me and gave me a sincere smile. She's never just randomly showed up here, she doesn't like the element of surprise.

"What the hell?" I groaned.

"Good morning to you to, Louis," Danny said.

"Danny, get off of me," I groaned.

"We're going to go to an amusement park," Danny said.

"Who?" I asked.

"Just you and I," Danny said who smiled.

I answered. "It's so early in the morning, Daniella."

"Do not call me that," Danny growled lowly.

"That's your name," I informed.

"Reserved for my father," she blurted out.

"Danny, look. I would love to go, but I'm so tired," I whined. "I'm jet lagged, so please get off of me."

She got off of me and stood up. She helped me stand afterwards and crossed her arms.

"Get dressed."


"I won't ask again, Louis. Get dressed," she growled.

I gave in with a nod, and she walked out of my room to give me privacy to get clothed. I'm not actually jet lagged at all, my flight here wasn't but an hour at most, probably not even that, I just don't want to go anywhere today. I looked in my closet, which wasn't even empty since Lucas bought my clothes for JAPU. I dressed on jeans and a long sleeved shirt with kicks. I put on a jacket and walked outside with Danny. It gets chilly in Manchester, especially in November, but I don't want to bring a huge coat.

I texted Lucas saying I was with Danny. Usually when I say that I'm with her, he never worries about me getting in any sort of trouble or being in any sort of danger are out of his mind. Outside, Ash was sitting in the driver's seat waiting for us with his girlfriend in the passenger seat. I stopped Danny before we got any close to the car and cocked an eyebrow mysteriously at her.

"What's he doing here?" I asked.

"Please don't tell me you still have a crush on my brother. Because if you do then-"

"Not that," I said. "Wasn't he in some kind of trouble yesterday?"

"What's it to you?" Danny asked.

"Nothing just..." I struggled to find the words.

"That's right," Danny said. "It's nothing."

"I'm sorry, I just thought since yesterday..."

"It's none of your business," Danny said and walked to the car.

I sighed and followed her to the sleek car with tented windows. She got inside without a word, and I the same. Ash smiled at me as I sat down.

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