ELEVEN| november 20, 2067

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My time in Manchester expired quicker than I wanted it too. I flew to JAPU all by myself for the first time ever, it was scary. I've never flown on my own anywhere, but since Lucas wouldn't accompany me this time, I had no choice but to fly alone. Planes in general are scary. I've heard that if a plane crashes, the safety instructions tell you to sit in a position, which you'd most likely die so you wouldn't press charges against the plane company. Lucky me, I've never been in a plane crash and I probably wouldn't ever, it's highly unlikely.

I remember back in Manchester when I had to say goodbye to Danny. I expected it to be awkward since what happened in the hot tub, but she acted like she didn't even remember, which made me feel terrible. I know she probably didn't mean for what happen to actually happen, and I don't feel anything towards her other than I wish she'd do it again. Every time I think about it, my pants would tighten and I would have to wait till it gets loose again.

But, I've been counting the days down, and it is finally here! Today, November the twentieth, is Thanksgiving break, for everyone! These days, everyone celebrate Thanksgiving as if it's Christmas, which we don't celebrate anymore, but I'm happy we're going to our families for the Holidays. Quite a bit of the students here are foreigners, meaning they have to fly for hours. Some live closer than a couple of hours, lucky me, my flight is about one hour away and I have to fly home alone, again.

The intercom came on a couple minutes ago saying everyone that has a six hour or longer train ride or flight should go ahead and evacuate. Train ride meaning some people actually live in this Gated London area. About half of the people left, which made me happy that I could sleep in a little longer. But now, it's somewhere around eight in the morning. Liam and I went and got coffee from the coffee shop downstairs before we even got our luggage together.

We walked downstairs with our luggage and went outdoors to enjoy our last few minutes here at JAPU, our last few minutes before we leave for break. It wasn't very hot, but it was humid and stuffy. Liam woke up earlier than me because he had to do his hair and he had to get her airport outfit together. There's paparazzi everywhere, so he says. I honestly woke up and put on a tank top, shorts, and sandals. A beanie on my head and glasses on my face. I don't need to look good when I am going to go to sleep on a plane.

"I'll see you soon," Liam smiled as he hugged me.

I hugged him back. "Yeah, have a nice train ride." He's from gated London.

"You sure you don't want to ride with me and spend Thanksgiving with me and my sister?" Liam asked with a frown. "A plane ride is a bit extreme, even for me."

"I want to go home for Thanksgiving," I shrugged.

"Okay," he smiled and hugged me again.

He put his and his girlfriend Sophia's luggage in the trunk of his nice car, and he drove away. He is going all the way to the West Midlands, which is a neighborhood in Gated London and it's warmer than it is in Manchester. His train ride isn't going to be long. Mines is going to be a long hour, it always is. I miss the white snow and the storms, I miss wearing long sweats and boots. Here in Gated London, everything's warm since we're on a island.

I'm riding with Daisy, that stupid cheerleader who I don't get along with, to the airport. I still have to fly alone because Daisy resides from London, which is connected to Gated London. It's close to Manchester, but I still have to cross the water. I packed my luggage in her car trunk and waited for her to arrive. As I was waiting, I saw Zayn about to leave. I walked over to him and Nick.

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