FIVE| monday, middle of august, 2067 pt. 2

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When I got back to our dorm, I did my homework, which took forever. I hate my harder classes, it's the worst. All of my classes are hard except for two, being music and theatre. They're easy, but I find no interest in either of them, so I won't be taking that next semester.

I showered and by the time I got dressed, I remembered Zayn's party. I gulped and told Liam I was going for a walk. He wanted to tag along but I protested for him to just go to sleep. I quickly made sure he was sleep before coming back inside the room, and into the bathroom quietly putting on my outfit.

I let my hair go free because Zayn said he liked it that way. I fluffed it with my fingers and put on chap stick. I looked in the mirror and frowned. I look like a complete twink with my fluffy hair with brown hair and blonde specks. My phone buzzed and I checked it.

Zayn: Wear a mask, it's a mask party.

I groaned and grabbed a mask that I had under my bed for an odd reason, I guess Lucas does come in handy. I slipped the mask on and headed out the door. I ran all the way in my tight jeans to the elevator. I took the elevator to Zayn's floor, and went into the room with light's flashing and music blasting. When I walked in, it was dark, but had enough light to see the silhouettes of the people. This place is sick!

I walked over and grabbed a drink that they had on the table and started dancing to the music. Everyone had mask on, so it was difficult to tell which person was who. I took my mask off for a second to breathe and I went into the bathroom. This music is hurting my ears, and the familiar smell of cigars and alcohol started to burn my nose. I've got to get out of here, but I promised Zayn I would come.


It was somewhere near one in the morning and my mind came back to realization. I have exams tomorrow, well, today! Two exams in one day! I need to go to my room and study because rules are, if you get below a four average, then they'll kick you out of the school. I have no clue how Lucas got me in this school because my grades are so low from Manchester. So low, that I have to ace every test to get them back up!

I slipped past everyone and out the door. My whole body smelt of smoke and alcohol. I cringed at the smell which made me think of my father. I wonder what he's doing all alone at home? I took the elevator and the way down, I took my mask off. Once I reached my floor, I threw my entire outfit and undergarments in the washing room in our hall. I looked for the washer with the name Louis Tomlinson on it, and found it nearest to the end of the row. Throwing the clothes in the washer, I ran to my room and hopped into the shower. I washed the smell off me. When I got out, I got my set of pajamas and went straight to my British history and maths text book and studied.


When I I checked my phone again, it was nearly five in the minting. I've been studying for hours and I'm exhausted. I fished my contact solution and took my colored contacts out. Before I went to sleep, I had to text Zayn to tell him where I went. I didn't even get to see him.

Louis: The party was sick..sorry I had to leave early, i have exams tomorrow and my grades from Manchester were horrible. Goodnight xx

I sent it and got a text back as I was drifting to sleep.

Zayn: wish I could've seen you all cute in your mask (: good night, loubear xx

I smiled and closed my eyes.


When my alarm went off today, I was very tempted to snooze, but I didn't. I slowly got up and groaned loudly. I went into my bathroom and took a pill hoping it could help my headache, but it didn't. I fell over the sink and landed on the floor with a loud thud. I groaned on the ground and rolled over, ouch. How does my dad drink every day and wake up early in the morning? It's dreading and I didn't even drink that much! I was intoxicated with the smell of the alcohol.

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