THIRTY-THREE| middle of july, 2078 pt. 2

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He is Harry's older brother? I thought he was dead! I can't believe a thing I hear anymore! Why does he go by Walter Edwards if his last name is Styles? Detective White brought us into his office again and closed the door. I managed to squeeze into the chair with Lucas whilst Walter sat on the other chair alone.

"So Walter, I can call you Walter right?" White asked.

"Yes," said Walt.

"Why did you go by Walter Edwards and not Walter Styles?" White asked.

"He was going to kill me if I didn't," said Walt.


"Harry," said Walt.

"Is Harry's real name Harry Styles?" Lucas asked.

"Yes," said Walt.

"Lucas, I'm asking the questions," said White.

Lucas pouted and crossed his arms.

"Walter, if you don't mind me asking, what happened to your face? Did Harry do that?" White asked.


"Then who did?" White asked.

​Walter's eyes flickered over to Lucas and White nodded. "Why did you burn him, Lucas?"

"We were doing a stupid dare and it didn't work," shrugged Lucas. "I've apologized for it every single bloody day of my life that he lives and I will pay for it when he dies."

"Actually, it did work," said Walt.

"Explain?" White asked.

"Harry wanted me to kill me. He somehow found out about the dare and told me to die," Walt muttered. "He wanted me to make Lucas feel bad for what he wanted to do."

"And why is that?"

Walt suddenly tensed. "He's not what he seems."

"How so?" White asked.

"Where is my brother?" Walter asked.

"Please stay on topic, Mr. Walter Styles," said White.

"Sorry," Walt apologized. "He never lied about anything, he always told the truth. He was perfect in his own eyes and everyone else's."

"He lied about Niall's name," I said.

"He never introduced him as Niall Horan," said Walt. "Niall is not our brother. He was a savior in training at JAPU who got too close to Harry."

"Too close to Harry?" White asked. "What do you mean?"

"Niall Horan?" I asked.

"But you said your name was Walter Edwards," frowned Lucas.

"I know, I lied, not Harry," said Walt towards Lucas and he turned to White. "Anyone who gets too close to him will die."

"But Harry said you were dead!" I growled. Who the fuck is lying and telling the truth?!

"He thought I died in the fire, but I just moved out to Manchester," Walt muttered.

"Why Manchester?" White asked.

"He said he hated Manchester."

Is that why he never visited me?

"Why?" White asked.

Walt eyed Lucas. "He lived there."

"I've done nothing to that bloody kid!" Lucas yelled.

"What's Harry's real name?" I asked.

"You know his real name, it's Harry Styles," answered Walt.

"Did you know Harry's older brother was Walter, Lucas?" asked White.

"I don't know, what do you think?" Lucas scoffed. "I allowed them both to go to my school, didn't I?"

"We will suspend for today," sighed White. "Go and get some rest. Walter, thank you for coming forwards, the officers will get you a room in the hotel beside-"

"He can room with me," said Lucas.

"You sure about that, Mr. Lucas Tomlinson?" White asked.

"Yes," said Lucas.

​We said our goodbyes and walked out the station. A taxi took us back to the hotel. Outside the hotel, Danny stood smoking with her British jacket on. She hugged me once I returned.

"I missed you," said Danny.

​We walked inside once she put her smoke out. We were at the top floor of the hotel. I lay in the bed beside Danny hoping everyone's okay. It's been such a rough night. I took a seven hour flight to Cheshire just to see Niall and Harry and to make sure they're okay. Now, I'm worried what the hell Harry was thinking.

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