Lilies Don't Climb Mountains

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"Climbing the mountain is hard."

"Yes, I know it's hard. But take heart, for Jesus will reward us."

"OK. But, why will He do that?"

"Think of it as if Jesus is at the top of the mountain."

"OK. Is He?"

"For all we know, yes."

"But He talked about being with us. He said he's here."

"But He wants you to climb."

"I don't know that He said that."

"Traditionally... many theologians agree on this."

"I don't know. What's in it for you if I climb the mountain?"

"Nothing really. It's just law and order."

"Does Jesus want law and order?"

"Of course. You can do your part by climbing the mountain."

"Does it get easier?"

"Life is hard but after this it is easier than you can imagine."

"So it will be easier when I'm dead?"

"This life is hard but the next one is bliss."

"So Jesus doesn't want us to be happy in this life?"

"Well... He told us not to worry any more than the lilies of the field do."

"Lilies don't climb mountains."

"Right. Maybe we should just sit here for a while after all."

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