Where We Keep Our Theology

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"Thanks for helping bring the tables back down to the basement, Mr. Jones."

"No problem Reverend. Say Reverend, what's that over there?"

"That? Oh that's our theology."

"What's theology?"

"It's our set of doctrines that say exactly what we believe about everything. You know, like exactly why Jesus had to die on the cross and why it was the only way."

"Oh. And things like why the Israelites had to kill all the women and children in Canaan? And how we know which of the old testament laws we still have to follow and which ones we don't?"


"So does anyone read these?"

"Yes the elders and deacons must study them."

"Oh. They look a little dusty."

"Yes well our current elders and deacons have already studied them."

"Has anyone else ever studied them?"

"Yes there was one enthusiastic boy. He went to bible school. Fine young man."

"Does everyone else know we have these?"

"Oh well surely they must."

"I see. Say Reverend, why don't we keep these upstairs by the front entrance?"

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