The Generous Employer and the Expense Report

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  • Dedicated to @JesusOfNaz316

"The Kingdom of God is like unto where an employer, upon learning that an employee has provided insufficient supporting documentation to justify his expense report, pays it anyway."

"Is that a joke?"

"I'm serious."

"Ok, but it's not like Jesus really would have used that as a parable."

"Why not? How do you know? In first century Palestine, he talked about how to treat people fairly, including money matters. He told them to pay their taxes, and told them about the generous vineyard owner who paid all his employees the same regardless of their circumstance. I think this fits."

"Ok... tell me then. How does it fit?"

"This is an example of grace. We all know that if we don't fill out the paperwork right, our boss or our accounting department will reject our requets. God is more generous than that because He knows what we means regardless of whether we check the right boxes or not. And those times when we fail to follow the form, whether we can't or won't, whether we are incompetent, lazy, or exhausted, He pays us anyway."

"Great, Jesus will make the lazy rich then."

"He will make us all rich. 'Rain falls on the good and the bad.' Just don't expect riches in the Kingdom of God to always come to you in cash."

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