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"Watcha building, Bob?"

"Why, I'm building a rocket ship, Frank."

"Oh, impressive! How are you going about that?"

"Not that difficult really. See, I have this instruction manual here. It's infallible written word and it directs everything I do in my life."

"Really? How can it do that?"

"Simple really. It was written over the course of thousands of years and divinely inspired."

"That's a pretty cool document. So some rocket scientist was recently inspired to add this chapter?"

"Heavens no!  We are not allowed to change it."


"I'm mostly using the information for ark construction and referring to some other chapters on liquid fire for propulsion."


"Everything we need is in here."

"When was it last updated?"

"Um... I think a couple hundred years ago. No, a thousand. I'm not totally sure but that doesn't really matter. It is the complete instruction manual."

"I think it may be complete in some subjects but not others. Maybe recent discoveries like rocket building shouldn't be applied in this way. Maybe something allegorical would make sense but it seems to me you're doing something dangerous here."

"You shouldn't doubt like that. You need faith."

"I have faith. But I don't believe that there is divine inspiration providing anyone with specific scientific explanations through these ancient sources. Inspiration and insight, but not this."

"Shut up and hand me that cubit- stick, Frank."

"Here you go, Bob. I have to go now. I'll pray for you."

Conversations Around the Holy Hand GrenadeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora