Maybe This

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"Maybe you just need to get away."

But I want this to be better, not for "this" to be hidden or gone.

"Maybe things will be better over the next hill."

But I want "this" to be better.

"Maybe this isn't a season of joy but of sorrow and mourning."

But it could always be our last season. It needs to contain joy even in sorrow.

"Maybe this is a season of growth, not happiness."

But growth is happiness. Torture isn't growth, it's the opposite.

"Maybe what's in store is greater than you imagine. Greater than what you're asking for now."

But life is short and misery is no worthwhile trade for greater happiness.

Maybe this is it.

But I've not figured out how to live joyfully here.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2019 ⏰

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