Still in Nazareth

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"Jesus, your cousin is getting married. Do you want to go?"

"Mmmmm...which cousin?"



"Remember? Oh of course you remember her. Anyway we were invited and your father and I are going. Oh, I mean Joseph and I are going. You know, you really need to indulge him more about that."

"Yes, Ma. Where is it?"


"Seriously? 'Directions to Cana: Just go to wilderness, turn north to Nazareth, then head off the beaten track and it's a mile down the road from there.'"

"Yes Cana. There's nothing wrong with Cana."

"There's nothing wrong with Cana. It's just that I'll miss the Sabbath here and there was going to be some good stuff in the synagogue."

"The synagogue isn't going anywhere."

"...ok. Yes, I'll go."

"Alright. You should bring them something thoughtful."

[[ I gotta get outta here. I can't believe I'm still living in Nazareth with my parents. This is going nowhere. ]]

"Yes, Ma. When we get back I think I'm going camping for a bit. Maybe near the Jordan. Not sure yet."

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