Skip a Little

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"Skip ahead a little, Brother. To the part where He asks us to help Him clear the temple."

"But he never asks us that."

(A blank look, then sheepish, then optimism and zeal.) "But, isn't there a part where that's what meant, Brother?"

"I don't know, I mean, there's only what's in The Book."

"See, I read it like this: He only told us that story because he wanted us to do the same thing. And he only told us all those things about himself because they're true about everybody, right?"

"Uh, that's not what he ever said, in fact..."

"No, see! That's exactly why he never said it!"

"I don't think I agree with you."

"Fine then. I'll take my own book and I'll go, and other people will understand when I tell them. I'll explain it, and then they'll all believe in Him because of me."

"You need to listen more before you talk more. Listen to H--"

"Why would I listen to you? You never say anything!"

"I didn't mean listen to me."

"But you just said so! I'm done here, I'm leaving. I'm taking my book."

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