That Guy that Wrote the Bible

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"Hey, you know that guy that wrote the Bible?"

"You mean God?"

"No, the guy - the other one. The guy that wrote it."

"You mean Jesus?"


"You mean the Holy Spirit?"

"No, that guy! The guy that was killing all the Christians, and then later he wrote their history."

"Oh, right. Well I think it didn't go exactly like that. Paul."

"Paul! Right! He was hollocosting them and then he went blind and Jesus healed him and he wrote the Bible."

"Um... OK... We think Paul wrote a bunch of the books of the Bible, yes."

"Right, well nobody knows for sure because he changed his name. He had a pen name like Mark Twain. Did you know that Mark Twain had another name? He had the same last name as Shania before she changed her name too. Not everybody knows that."

"Right. I didn't know that."

"Well now you know then, Paul wrote the Bible."

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