01: The Girl with Gray Hair

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"Good morning,Hatsuka. Did you sleep well?"

"No. Not at all. I feel like I can die from tiring."

The one standing near my desk is Shiori,the member in UNISIA who is in charge of giving me assistance when I need them. She's the one closest to me among the three of them.

"There's a lot of documents to sign. Make sure you finish signing them off before you get some rest,"she said with sympathy.

I sighed and took one of the papers on my desk to read. It was titled 'Plans on increasing ability users in Japan War Citadel East Branch',which caught my attention.

"Oh? Who prepared this?"I asked as I shook the paper up and down.

"Um,I was sure it was a person from the research department-"

"Fire him."


"You know I don't like these stuff. There's no use in negotiating with me. I definitely won't accept this,"I said.

"If that's what you say,then..."

"Hey,Shiori...Let's take a walk outside in the town together."


We left the building and started to walk down the street. There were tons of people walking around,shopping and wandering,creating crowds everywhere.

Shiori walked by my side,looking all confused as she was lowering her head.

"What's wrong? You look like you don't like crowds,do you?"I asked as I smiled.

"....I understand that we're taking a walk but,why do we have to wear like this?"she asked as she pointed at the raincoat she was wearing.

"We can't draw any attention,you know. It would be troublesome if someone recognizes us when we're slacking during work."

"You're lazy,Hatsuka."

"Hehe...Sorry about that."

As we were walking,I had a conversation with her.

"Hey,Shiori~What made you join UNISIA?"

"I came from outside the town. I'm new to this place,so I don't know much about the jobs here. But one day,I heard that there will be an interview for a job in JWCEB. So I thought I should give it a try,"she explained.

"Did you meet the interviewers?"

"Oh,did you mean Ms. Mitsuki and Ms. Irori? I've met them. Ah,speaking about that,I've never met them ever since I've started working here. I wonder where they've gone to...."

"The two of them....They've left UNISIA and joined the black army."

My heart ached when I spoke that few words. I've always been thinking the reason they left the unit. Speaking honestly,I didn't really wanted to know the reason. Even if I'd known,nothing changes. The fact that my unit isn't the unit it used to be will not change. I thought that I didn't need to give that anymore thinking. After all,I've got kinder comrades now. I have Shiori and the others now.

"So,don't worry. With all of your support,we can destroy the black army-"

Someone pushed me from behind before I could finish speaking. I turned behind angrily because I didn't hear any apology.

"Who was that?!"I asked.

"Hah?! What the hell are you babbling about,you filthy woman?!"

Someone did reply. It was a tall and muscular man with mustache. There were some other smaller men following him.

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