07: Monster

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My name is Shoji Masujima. I joined the black army when I was twelve. It seeemed so long ago...

Everyone seemed nice to me. Was it because my father had been an important person in the black army? Who knows? They may just treat me like the son of an important person,but in their hearts,it will the opposite. I was determined to become a strong person like my father,but I didn't have the ability to do so. Not only physically weak,but mentally too.

I never knew what a true love is. I had no love neither from my parents nor my brothers. They've been always looking down on me,except my father. I've only truly respected him. He was the one who taught me what is love,and how to love.

"Hey,Masujima! Have you been lecturing your son properly? He still sucks at shooting. He can't even hit the target board once!"

"Sorry,but my son will do just good. Just bear this until he grows up. See you."


When I went back home and asked my father whether I was a burden to him,he didn't answer me. He just smiled and said,'Don't bother about something like that. You want to become strong,right?'

'What if I don't want to become strong?'

'You won't be able to protect the ones you love.'


Two of the white army's members,a red-haired one and a dark blue-haired one,both female,chased after us. Fukina and I stopped near an abandoned field and drew out our weapons.

They probably knew that we were going to do that,so they armed themselves and counterattacked us.

"I will take out the gunslinger!" Fukina said and ran towards the red-haired enemy.

My opponent had two long,sharp swords that was made to slice its enemy completely,without breaking any of it's blades. I knew that I wasn't able to take her on,but I had to. I promised Mitsuki that I will bring her victory. I had to win no matter what it takes!

"If I've not mistaken,your name is Shoji Masujima,right?"she asked. "To be equal on terms,I will tell you my name. Shiori Shizunome."

"I have to apologize,since I will have to kill you,"she added.

"Don't tell that so easily as if you will get to kill me!"I replied roughly.

I regretted saying those words which actually made me more nervous. She may be a skilled warrior,and yet I spat out those words saying that I might not lose to her.

"Be prepared."

She charged towards me and started to aim for my legs. Based on her movements,she's trying to cripple my legs so that I will be unable to move. I kept dodging her attacks,but in the end I got scratched on my right knee. I stopped dodging as my knee was painful. She then kicked my other knee,causing me to totally reach the ground.

"Sorry if it was painful,"she apologized and pointed one of the blades at me.

Damn! I can't believe I will lose to a mere girl from the white army! It's so embarassing that I could die.

"May God bless you."

The blade pierced me. The sharpness of the blade cause my hands to bleed. The edge of the sword was so sharp that it dug into my palms. A thick-red liquid started to drop onto the ground.

"I won't die! Not yet!"I yelled and turned her blade around,pushing it with every effort I had,and cut her cheek.

She wasn't reacting to the pain she had on her face. Didn't it hurt at all?

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