13: Hatred and Desire

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Papers were all scattered around and the dustbin was already filled with scrumbled papers. I could only hear my own breathe besides the noise of cicadas outside.

"Why aren't all these making sense? There is no way that I've missed something."

Someone then knocked on my door and opened it.

"Go to sleep, Krista. How long have you been working on that? It's already 1.00 midnight!" Yusuke stated as he walked towards my desk.

"You can go before me. Besides, I'm not sleepy."

"That doesn't matter! Do you want to ruin your body again and end up at the hospital once more? Did you know that you were supposed to take care of your health, not push yourself just after you get the chance to have enough rest?"

"I'm really not tired...I can go on a little more."

When I saw his face which was upset, I felt bad. I didn't want to make him worry. I wasn't supposed to.

"....I give up. I'll go to bed, so you go too,"I said and switched off the desk lamp.

"Thank you."

After he left, I took my phone next to my bed and looked at the screen.

"May 23th...I have one month left. One month.....is left before I die. But I....I have a lot of things which are unsettled. I have to find a way to help the ability users. I have to finish this before my life ends."


I was glad that I have made up with Krista. I shouldn't have argued with her from the beginning. I shouldn't have made her feel bad, just for my own selfish reasons.

"Congratulations, Hatsuka. You did a good work." Mitsuki was congratulating me just after I entered Krista's office. 

I didn't know what she was talking about, so I didn't ask her. Irori was also reacting like Mitsuki, but somehow she looked a bit pale.

"What's up...? Is there anything I don't know?"I asked.

Mitsuki looked back at me with confusion. "I thought you knew. Sorry."

"It seems that Krista has left the army, Sis. She...entrusted her position to you."

"W-What, is that a joke? She...isn't a person like that." I clenched my fists. "I never thought that she was a coward! She just gave up all her hard work she's been doing this all time!"

Mitsuki then approached me. "Calm down. Getting angry won't change anything. Besides, I thought you would be happy to know that. Why... did you actually get mad?" she asked.

"I thought this was her army. This is her revolution, right? Why now, she just let it all go like her revolution has ended? She just sacrificed her life, and it was just the beginning! And now, I will have to complete her revolution alone. We...have to do this ourselves..."


Irori held both of my hands and looked into my eyes.

"Krista entrusted this army to you because she believed that you can manage it well. She...didn't want to force the responsibility of her revolution on you. She just wanted you to take care of this army. So that she can leave without worrying about this army's future, our future."

"I see...But, I am now the commader. I will continue her revolution. Ah, maybe it's my revolution...I just can't... see her efforts going to waste. There's not much people like her left, which would help her own race even if it costs her own life. It's...weird."

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