Cold Hearted

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Hey guys, sorry I didn't update yet! I'm in band which means I have to play at football and basketball games, and we had one today and I just drove back home! So today in class I was working on some updates for you guys! One some of their songs it's really hard to find proof, so I only found like one sentence or something, sorry! But I tried the best I could, I promise!!!! Anyway, here is one of the updates I was working one!:)

1. "Never have I ever been the one to be brutally honest, but really I just can't contain myself"

Johnson's knows that he's not being honest about his sexuality, but he's been thinking about telling Gilinsky how he feels because he's been noticing how hot he is.

2. "Feeling good about the way you looking at me"

He's been seeing Gilinsky look at him in a good way, meaning like a lovey type way, and he's, again, thinking about telling him about his feelings for him.

Sorry guys! This sucked, but that's all I could find! I'll update another in a second!:)

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